So for some reason my mic has a weird static when i record sometimes

Anyone know what I can try to fix this if its an OS thing im using windows 10 pro
14 Replies
What brand model of mic? How is it plugged in to your device? Have you tried anything to solve it yourself?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
Fifine Mic and its USB to USB C and i tried using the noise sopressor in OBS Oh god there was this program I used to use I forgot what it was but it was perfect if u can find it send it to me lol It could be the cord. Brands like yeti don’t really work well unless you have their brand cord. Sounds impossible but yeti as well as some other brands and hackers store data on those cords
DukDolan2y ago
its probably either the cord connection being poor, or the noise suppressor is picking up too much background noise that makes it sound like static every few seconds is it constant or does it happen occasionally? and did you try unplugging and plugging the mic in again?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
randomly ima try a dif usb port on my mobo
DukDolan2y ago
does it happen without any noise suppression or effects?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
if i use voicemod it gets worse
DukDolan2y ago
hmm, yeah I have no idea, look into the cords I guess
Are you using a USB to USB C adapter? That might be causing the issue. Can you try it in a device without the connector, can you try different USB ports?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
no im using one of the usb c ports on my pc
I mean, are you using something like this?
No description
To covert a regular USB A to a USB C connector?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
no my mobo has 2 usb c ports built in
What is the model of the mic?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
nvm i fixed it i think