Favorite Ways to Promote Content?

Hey guys I run a small gaming channel, I have built up a decent core audience. But I have noticed my subscriber numbers have stagnated a bit. One thing I am looking at changing to try and counter that is by more actively promoting my channel and content. I was curious if you guys promoted your channel and if so, how you guys do so.
4 Replies
rachey2y ago
i don't promote my chnl at all tbh and never really have, i have noticed though with how i started to grow a bit is to support others and they will 1 out of 3 times support you back, building a core community is very very important and having a discord server of your own is really good as well for you to post all ur stuff in there. rachey3Heart
DukDolan2y ago
damnit I just typed something out but discord deleted it, let me try again 1. Social media networking 2. Engaging your audience with events/activities 3. Advertising your videos or channel on message boards or in discord servers these are the main methods I’ve used, though I have hit plateaus in my sub count sometimes.
Networking with other creators > self promoting (link dumping) for sure. Being a part of a community (like this) and getting to know other creators generally leads to people will want to check your content out. Collaborating is always a good method as well, as you're getting your name in front of an audience who otherwise doesn't know you exist
DukDolan2y ago
oh yeah how could I forget about collaborating good way to make friends as well as get your content promoted