say I had every skill in the world

And I want to make money off YouTube, this is a business venture, a primary income… What aspect of YouTube (ex. Shorts/10 minute viedeos, clips, edits, showing face, what topic, what genre, what type of titles) is proven the most lucrative in the business I want to pursue whatever brings money to the table at the highest level, I appreciate the advice Thank you in advance
2 Replies
I think there is a market for just about everything you listed lol would be hard to tell which is the most lucrative as it is ever evolving. What is popular today might not be in a month. But right now I would say long-form variety content (reactions, gameplay, reviews) with face cam. Then make shorts out of those. But yeah, a pretty hard question to answer without doing some deep research into stats that probably only YouTube has
ArchaeoPlays2y ago
Honestly the most lucrative is going to be whatever you enjoy making the most and whatever you're best at doing - people won't keep watching if they can tell you're not interested, and they'll click off if they can find better quality videos on the same thing elsewhere (yes, I know you said if you had every skill in the world, but having every skill doesn't mean you're equally good at every skill or that you equally enjoy everything).