Can I private old videos to start a new Era?

So, my channel handle is @flornosertao (just like my user here). I know its not recommended, but it bothers me a lot the old visual together with the new one. I changed for something more minimalistic. But I dont know yet if its gonna do better than the previous one, should I wait to have more videos before privating? I will sure lose my watched hours, but is not like I'm any closer to 1000 subs yet :S Also, I'm gonna buy a condesation mic when I reach 100 subs, what can I do for better lighting/color correction? (I edit with filmora) My recording look ver amateurish, please help me.
4 Replies
There shouldn't be any negative effects from making your old videos private if that is what you're asking? But yeah, the watch hours on those videos will no longer count toward your analytics. You can get some beginner lighting kits which start at $30, feel free to take a look at this list of hardware for some ideas,
flor ✿
flor ✿2y ago
What do u think is the most recommended light in my kind of videos? Ringlight, softbow (I dont think I have that much space), or others? The videos I see of my kind have such a soft light , it makes me wonder how to do it with artificial ligh without getting sharp shades
I'm not all that clued in when it comes to lighting stuff so I can't really give good recommendations, though I've heard the Elgato key lights are pretty decent. As for shadows and sharp shapes, I believe using multiple (often different kinds of) lights at different angles is what you'd want, but again, I'm no expert. If you're that concerned about making sure the video in your lighting is good, I would also recommend doing some research into it, there are plenty of videos on YouTube regarding it
flor ✿
flor ✿2y ago
You are right, I'm gonna do this. Thank you so much! You may mark this thread as solved, since I dont know how to XD