what should I speak about?

Hi, so I’m a motocross rider and I also recording my self with my GoPro attached to my helmet, but i don’t want to be the guy who just records myself riding, I want to add some commentary, but I don’t know what I should say, does anyone have any suggestions?
2 Replies
RcR_Kv116mo ago
Of the few channels producing content on motorcycles that I have seen, overall they very often commented on what we see on the street in front of them, such as bad drivers (those who telephone while driving) who endanger the motorcyclist or just unusual things (like what we see in the linked video at 7:18) (preferably live in town), talk about motorcycle news or even test out friends' motorcycles! It will of course require editing to keep only the interesting moments, if you want I have an example of a video (but it's in French): https://youtube.com/watch?v=GMkjOOpSIMk&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE&t=438
Conquestor16mo ago
ight thanks!