Coop work permit for International Students

Hi everyone I've arrived and Canada and have included in my study permit application that I have coop. But when I went to retrieve my student permit at the airport, they said I don't have a coop permit issued to me which is strange because it is part of my program (CPA). Did anyone else experience the same? Thank you!
5 Replies
gr8b8m8_2l814mo ago
You don't get coop work permit just by being in the CPA program. You get a study permit as well as well as part time work permit. To get a coop work permit first you have to get in the coop program which isn't guaranteed Because coop in cpa is optional
Eakam14mo ago
Didn't know part time work permit was a thing. I thought they just put that on the study permit itself
gr8b8m8_2l814mo ago
I have separate papers for them
Eakam14mo ago
Huh, that is interesting. Maybe they changed it
kaaderin14mo ago
Thank you for your answer!