Which topic do you personally think is the most interesting for a documentary channel?

1. "The Luxury Industry: How We Pay for Status Symbols" 2. "The Untold Story of the Space Race(Greater Than What You Think)"
7 Replies
MeTa14mo ago
Maybe 1st one
PixelPenguin14mo ago
Afrodo14mo ago
As a sucker for science fiction reading, I'd probably be more interested in the Space Race angle. You're angling for two different audiences based on those titles though, so I don't think you're going to get an objective answer
자운의 징크스
for simpler, and a possibly more enticing titling purposes, lose the "The Luxury Industry:" part of the title on the 1st and the "(Greater Than You Think)". The titles without these are already interesting enough without the extra "filler" words. for what i'd pick, imma sucker for sci-fi and space is ofc connected to that closely
PixelPenguin14mo ago
thats true, thanks anyways! I added them for the title to look even more intriguing, I heard on various YT growth channels that the best approach for CTR is to make people question the title/thumbnail, here "The Untold Story Of The Space Race" won't intrigue people but when I add greather than what you think, It immediately catches attention and the viewer thinks about "What am I missing?", "Is there something I don't know?", etc Your further opinions and suggestions are welcomed
자운의 징크스
i get what you mean, the psychology behind such a thing as simple as a video title and all, but to your point, isn't the "The Untold" part of your title already supposed to make the viewer think about the "what am i missing" sort of questions. to me, it reads like the title, in a way, is saying the same thing twice. not to mention if there's narration and you repeat the title's name to a T, the audience, possibly, might take it as in insult on the fact that you repeated the video's idea in the title twice and however many times in the commentary/narration as if they are a child. trust me, never insult the audience's inteligence, unless you make a living or persona off that ofc lol
PixelPenguin14mo ago
that is actually a very good point, I'll try some other intriguing thing in the brackets or will add something in the main title itself, thankyou!