Railway15mo ago

DeviantArt RSS is blocking Railway's IP

I have a bot that pulls a user's art from the RSS feed associated with their account. For a couple of weeks I have been getting 403 from RSS. This morning I have been digging into this error more deeply, and I have attached the response from the URL. This error only occurs on my railway deployment. I have tried redeploying, removing my public URL, and testing locally. nixpacks python39 deployment project id: da1a08eb-9426-40aa-b6f9-94d2df0c88ef
6 Replies
Percy15mo ago
Project ID: da1a08eb-9426-40aa-b6f9-94d2df0c88ef
arus15mo ago
Additionally, I have been getting this warning for a month from bitdefender. May or may not be related.
luna15mo ago
Errors - Info | Developers | DeviantArt
When errors occur in your DeviantArt application, understand what the error is and how to handle it accordingly via APIS.
arus15mo ago
The error is with the Rss feed, not the api. The api is still working. It is a source IP problem.
luna15mo ago
Yeah and it’s likely blocked by them. Nothing railway can do. You’ll need to contact them.
arus15mo ago
DA is not going to troubleshoot their RSS feed (if you read their message, it points to this.) I will wait to see what Railway says. Worst comes to worse I will just wait a month when the block expires. Block expired. Resolving.