Railway15mo ago

Build not progressing, no logs shown

When I try to deploy my project, everything seems to work fine up until I finish selecting a service to deploy to (following railway up command). Then the build seems to be stuck before it starts: Indexed Compressed [====================] 100% Uploaded
Build Logs: https://railway.app/project/83791c3c-35a4-439c-96ea-34c41b9aed33/service/f8479d47-aace-45fa-9a75-ac584d7eed8e?id=4862330b-d9c1-4f1e-9cef-40c49192e0e7&
Railway is an infrastructure platform where you can provision infrastructure, develop with that infrastructure locally, and then deploy to the cloud.
3 Replies
Percy15mo ago
Project ID: 83791c3c-35a4-439c-96ea-34c41b9aed33,f8479d47-aace-45fa-9a75-ac584d7eed8e,4862330b-d9c1-4f1e-9cef-40c49192e0e7
bmayb15mo ago
Now it seems that the build ran and the code was deployed (still without any logs or indication that this happened) but I can't run a migration. When I try railway run db:migrate and then select the service, I get the following: Error: Failed to spawn command Caused by: No such file or directory (os error 2) Project ID: f8479d47-aace-45fa-9a75-ac584d7eed8e
Brody15mo ago
i think you may want to run railway run npm run db:migrate