Created by bmayb on 5/23/2023 in #✋|help
Build not progressing, no logs shown
When I try to deploy my project, everything seems to work fine up until I finish selecting a service to deploy to (following railway up command). Then the build seems to be stuck before it starts: Indexed Compressed [====================] 100% Uploaded
Build Logs:
6 replies
Created by bmayb on 4/20/2023 in #✋|help
Login from terminal not working?
When I try "railway login" or "railway login --browserless" from the terminal, I get error: "Response not successful status=400" I've never had this issue before, is there something going on with the login at the moment?
5 replies
Created by bmayb on 2/6/2023 in #✋|help
Building failed for the last 2 hours
executor failed running [/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends procps libpq-dev libmagickwand-dev git curl autoconf bison build-essential libssl-dev libyaml-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev libgdbm6 libgdbm-dev libdb-dev]: exit code: 100 Error: Docker build failed
22 replies
Created by bmayb on 1/18/2023 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process - Error: Docker build failed
The last 3 deploys failed with this error: executor failed running [/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c bundle exec rake assets:precompile]: exit code: 1 Error: Docker build failed In addition, it failed once immediately with this message in the console: 🚨 Post "": write tcp> write: broken pipe And now it fails immediately just with this message in the console: 🚨 Failed to deploy Update - latest fail error message: #19 ERROR: executor failed running [/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c bundle exec rake assets:precompile]: exit code: 1 -----
[stage-0 15/16] RUN bundle exec rake assets:precompile:
----- executor failed running [/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c bundle exec rake assets:precompile]: exit code: 1 Error: Docker build failed
4 replies
Created by bmayb on 11/11/2022 in #✋|help
How to manually stop the clock on Starter plan usage?
I've read some posts that say we can manually remove the latest deployment and it should stop the hours usage on the starter plan. Can anyone please elaborate exactly what to do? I tried removing the latest deployment for both my app and DB backup cron job. (I don't see any option to remove the DB itself.) When I checked back a few hours later I could see that my usage allotment was still going down. How can I make sure I'm stopping the clock?
13 replies
Created by bmayb on 11/10/2022 in #✋|help
Login not working
I'm getting a similar issue to this When I try to login in an incognito window it works. Clearing browser data and cache doesn't solve the problem.
3 replies
Created by bmayb on 11/8/2022 in #✋|help
User index page empty on Railway, works locally and on Heroku
I have no idea why this might be happening, but I'm trying to migrate my Rails 7 app from Heroku to Railway and for some reason the user index page, viewable only by admins, is showing up empty (page loads but no users shown). There are users in the DB, I can log in and see their show pages, as well as see them in the console. The code works fine locally, as well as when deployed on Heroku. You can compare local server logs with Railway logs and see that for some reason on Railway it's not getting users.
124 replies
Created by bmayb on 11/3/2022 in #✋|help
Trying to migrate from Heroku - Images in S3 bucket not showing, add new image crashes app
Hi, I am trying to migrate my Rails 7 app over from Heroku to Railway. I managed to deploy the app, migrate the DB, and set up a DB backup to S3. BUT none of my attached images (stored in S3) are showing up in the Railway-deployed app, and if I try to add a new image the app crashes. All images (existing ones and adding new images) work fine in Heroku still. I get an empty error - not very helpful: I, [2022-11-02T06:31:25.034636 #120] INFO -- : [8a1f130e-6718-4a29-9f9f-d3a27f200e35] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 7025ms (ActiveRecord: 94.6ms | Allocations: 106325) F, [2022-11-02T06:31:25.036160 #120] FATAL -- : [8a1f130e-6718-4a29-9f9f-d3a27f200e35] [8a1f130e-6718-4a29-9f9f-d3a27f200e35] ActionView::Template::Error (convert /tmp/ActiveStorage-118-20221102-120-zx3huu.jpg[0] -auto-orient -resize 150x150> /tmp/image_processing20221102-120-yfhkye.jpg failed with error: ): [8a1f130e-6718-4a29-9f9f-d3a27f200e35] 54: <% if review.images.exists? %> [8a1f130e-6718-4a29-9f9f-d3a27f200e35] 55: <% review.images.each do |image| %> [8a1f130e-6718-4a29-9f9f-d3a27f200e35] 56: <% if review.images.attached? &&[image/gif image/jpeg image/png]) %> [8a1f130e-6718-4a29-9f9f-d3a27f200e35] 57: <%= link_to image_tag(review.image_as_thumbnail(image)), image, class: "img-thumbnail border-0 px-0", target: :_blank %> [8a1f130e-6718-4a29-9f9f-d3a27f200e35] 58: <% end %> [8a1f130e-6718-4a29-9f9f-d3a27f200e35] 59: <% end %> [8a1f130e-6718-4a29-9f9f-d3a27f200e35] 60: <% end %> At first I thought it was an issue with imagemagick but now I think it's the S3 storage - not 100% sure on the cause. I posted more details here but there's not much Railway knowledge yet on stackoverflow: Can you help?
2 replies