Railwayβ€’15mo ago

Railway Developer Plan Question!

Good morning, guys! How's it going? I have a question regarding Railway plans. For example, if I choose the Developer Plan, will I receive 500 hours per month without paying, equivalent to 5 dollars? And if I exceed these 500 monthly hours, will I be charged for the service usage until the end of that month? That cycle will repeat every month? Thanks! πŸ˜€
6 Replies
Percyβ€’15mo ago
Project ID: 31dbe416-7edb-465a-9493-cd6beffadcd9
brunopinhoβ€’15mo ago
saintcoreβ€’15mo ago
Please note: I'm not part of the railway-team, so this is no official answer. However the "500 hours per month" limitation does only apply to the free plan. When you choose the developer plan, there is no "execution time limit". With developer plan you will be charged for vCPU & RAM usage (see the docs at https://docs.railway.app/reference/pricing ) of all containers within your deployments. However the first 5$ of usage (each month) are free (means you still get the 5$ credits included in the free plan). When does 5$ credits are spent (they will always be used up first), you will get charged for your usage
Railway Docs
Pricing | Railway Docs
Documentation for Railway
saintcoreβ€’15mo ago
*When those
Adamβ€’15mo ago
Yep, saintcore is right The 500 hours restriction is removed when you upgrade to developer plan. You'll receive 5$ each month in free credit. You pay for any usage above that credit.
brunopinhoβ€’15mo ago
Thanks @A Dumb @saintcore