my tiktoks are getting shown to my current region (even though I'm targeting the US)

for some reason, my tiktok is getting shown to, well, people who are living in my region despite my best efforts to have it only shown to english-speaking audience. How do I fix that? (any & all location tracking settings are off, however I'm not using a VPN)
9 Replies
ImZary13mo ago
please help!
probablyraging13mo ago
One of tiktok's many data points for how it recommends videos to it's users is location based. Meaning, if you're in India for example, you can try to target the US by creating content that US users might like, but your videos are always going to be recommended to users in the same or similar region as you. Which is good. I would be pissed if my FYP was full of content I didn't understand or had no interest in
What factors contribute to For You? Device and account settings like your language preference, country setting, and device type. These factors are included to make sure the system is optimized for performance, but they receive lower weight in the recommendation system relative to other data points we measure since users don't actively express these as preferences.
ImZary13mo ago
is there a way by any chance I can still reach those US audience for example?
probablyraging13mo ago
Yeah. Make content that the US audience would likely be interested in. I dare say that if TikTok sees that your content is favoured by a specific country then it will probably target your content to that country more often. Just guessing here as their algo is hush hush Also mentioned in the link
A strong indicator of interest, such as whether a user finishes watching a longer video from beginning to end, would receive greater weight than a weak indicator, such as whether the video's viewer and creator are both in the same country.
ImZary13mo ago
do you think using a VPN while uploading might help? or is it irrelevant in this case?
probablyraging13mo ago
It might help, I'm honestly not too sure. I think in the end you're better off just making good content that people want to watch, rather than finding loopholes to exploit though lol
ImZary13mo ago
fair enough well it's just I uploaded the same video in yt shorts most of the viewers that watched it were from the US & it got around 1.8k views now I'm based in north africa when I uploaded it to tiktok, it only got 500 views in 3 days & most of the views were, surprise, from north africa so I was wondering if a VPN could help with that
probablyraging13mo ago
YouTube and TikTok's algorithms are going to be vastly different
ImZary13mo ago
in recommendation, sure but I don't think that which region to recommend people to is that different