Music on YouTube

Hello, I'm currently making a video for my channel and I want to include music however I know it will get a copyright claim knowing me. I've seen other YouTuber's I follow include music that isn't 'non-copyrighted' and I was wondering how they did it. Can anyone help me?
3 Replies
Ellicya13mo ago
thank you! what shall i do? how do i include music in my video without copyright?
probablyraging13mo ago
Hey, if you are in communication with that adam_expert person, please stop, they're scamming you and we've banned them from the server
probablyraging13mo ago
Just because you use copyrighted music in a video does not mean you video will be taken down. There are 3 things that might happen, the copyright owner; - won't care and you can use the music freely - has their music in the content ID system and your video will be not be eligible for monetization or it will be revenue shared - might request a takedown of your video (this is a legal copyright takedown notice and comes with a copyright strike) It is completely up to the each individual content owner to handle their content's copyrights how they please so you're always better off not risking it. If anything, buy a the lisence to the song, it's usually relatively cheap. There are a few sites listed here that allow you to purchase a song's license under "Buy Popular Music Licences"
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