how many items do you have in your wardrobe?

And how many per category of clothing (like pants, shirts, shoes)?
103 Replies
bishopcorrigan•10mo ago
Never enough
TidB•10mo ago
dont remind me
mattw282•10mo ago
What are the categories?
longprocess•10mo ago
T shirt, pants etc just wondering lol
jimi•10mo ago
at least 2 or 3
jfarrell468•10mo ago
The trick is to refuse to buy new hangers. If you buy something and don't have a place for it, you have to get rid of something.
TidB•10mo ago
An acquaintance of mine had the opposite approach
jfarrell468•10mo ago
well, the reverse is true as well. if you have an empty hangar, you must go shopping. thanks for listening to my TED talk. Actually, a series of closet pics might be interesting. It would at least motivate me to tidy my closet. 🙂
TidB•10mo ago
closet + the chair
longprocess•10mo ago
Would love closet pics I’m starting my wardrobe anew and need to see what i need and how much i should have
raisinpie•10mo ago
That's up to you
bishopcorrigan•10mo ago
Yeah there aren’t really numbers to aim for here For me, I only buy stuff I really love and I’m super picky, so I don’t actually have that much clothing
zacheadams•10mo ago
excluding socks (black darn tough tactical of various lengthsand boxers (black lululemon always in motion 5"), ~70 items
Google Docs
Closet Inventory
Closet Inventory Brand,Item,Type,Primary Color,Primary Material,Estimated Value,Estimated Retail Rick Owens,RU4761-LP High Neck Intarsia Jacket,Outer,Black,Hammered Lamb,$500,$1,000 Rick Owens,RU4754-W Knife Jacket,Outer,Black,Mohair,$300,$1,000 Rick Owens,RU18F1661-KFI Fisherman Sweater,Outer,B...
zacheadams•10mo ago
including those still less than a hundred
jimi•10mo ago
wtf lmao
jawntanamo_bae•10mo ago
I appreciate the organization here.
setfiretoflames•10mo ago
This is nothing compared to some of his old ones lol Or pre-closet purge I should say
zacheadams•10mo ago
Yeah the purge is over, very little left to trim It was a big commitment to start and I've thought about doing socks and boxers, but it's easy as hell to maintain once you've done it I'm not ridic enough to track wears, but that's beyond what I want anyways. This is helpful if I ever need to invoke insurance.
mewball•10mo ago
i aggressively try to sell and clear things out that i dont wear i think i have roughly 60-70 individual higher end/designer/ garments i am not including workout clothes, socks, underwear i do actually want tot ake inventory again though maybe ill do that today
TidB•10mo ago
For another perspective on that (idk if anyone else can relate), my closet is too big and includes some stuff I don't really wear. It's at like 130-ish pieces (counting everything incl. accessories excl. underwear/socks), partially bc I'm still trying out stuff and sometimes wait out the seasons to see if I did wear some of the 'forgotten' pieces after all, and having some different aesthetics I sometimes haven't been able to merge yet, so fewer pieces shared between fits. Been working on that, getting generally things of better quality, fixing things to actually fit me, and incidentally made a similar list a few days ago (titled 'shame')
mewball•10mo ago
i think this happens quite often but ppl don't like to talk about it @tidb
TidB•10mo ago
Yeah, hoped to show other people they're not alone with this and hopefully encourage them to do something about it :)
Gideo•10mo ago
Around 80, trying to offload about 7 other things. I’ve been tracking my spend manually for 7 years now and it’s fun for me to see where my money goes as I get older. My current categorization in clothes and accessories spreadsheet are: brand, product name, category, keep/sell, msrp, total paid, sold, length of ownership by year. The last category is to encourage me to find happiness with my existing wardrobe and find new ways to style old pieces instead of participating in hyperconsumption. I am averaging 2 years of ownership for my clothes before they’re rotated out and I am trying to extend this to many more years. Informs my decision to buy garments that can last longer, a personal capsule for myself as opposed to a general male fashion capsule wardrobe, and to get second hand if possible.
setfiretoflames•10mo ago
This is unhelpful but this is mine from 2020. Maybe I'll do it again today/tomorrow if I have the time. Similar to @mewball i've got a bunch of workout stuff that I wouldn't include but takes up a pretty solid amount of space in my closet.
setfiretoflames•10mo ago
Google Docs
Wardrobe 2020
Sheet1 Wardrobe Inventory,Size,Bought For,Type Uniform Wares C40 watch,n/a,$0.00,Accessory werkstatt:münchen bangle,M,$200.00,Accessory werkstatt:münchen ring,M,$265.00,Accessory werkstatt:münchen bangle,M,$140.00,Accessory Barena Blazer,52,$50.00,Blazer visvim 103-DMG,4,$280.00,Jacket Maison Ma...
setfiretoflames•10mo ago
I think I unfortunately deleted my resale spreadsheet from years ago but that one was fantastic for tracking clothes in/clothes out
mewball•10mo ago
thankfully with my latest purge i don't have too many gym/workout only stuff got rid of a lot of my ratty old tees i still have prob 5 or so uniqlo tees that i also don't account for that i wear to like, sleep or casually or w/e
setfiretoflames•10mo ago
I have a piles of both "nicer tee" and "sleep/workout shirts"
mewball•10mo ago
yep hahahaha
khanstopme•10mo ago
I have a notion template that I built for my clothes which I am working on making user friendly so others can use it too
Sam Bam Thank You Maam
Sam Bam Thank You Maam•10mo ago
Man this thread is making me want to make myself a wardrobe spreadsheet
setfiretoflames•10mo ago
super cool it's fun and helpful for taking stock of what you have
khanstopme•10mo ago
my favourite part is the "condition" bars so i can keep track of how much they have worn out and it makes me feel like i am in an RPG and this is my inventory
sharloy•10mo ago
How many shoes and pants do y’all own? I have like 15 pairs of each
Gideo•10mo ago
11 pants, 18 shoes. Fuckkkk I do not need this many shoes
sharloy•10mo ago
It’s kinda crazy bc it looks like other people have a lot more clothes than me but I don’t think it’s true bc it’s confirmation bias
Miles Edgehog
Miles Edgehog•10mo ago
You guys count?
sharloy•10mo ago
Of course everything someone else has a bunch of stuff that I haven’t seen It’s not the same thing in my closet every day Occasionally Whne I’m reorganizing my closet or something
Sam Bam Thank You Maam
Sam Bam Thank You Maam•10mo ago
I have a fair number of shoes, but most of them are use-specific (hiking boots, running shoes, gym shoes...)
Miles Edgehog
Miles Edgehog•10mo ago
I have moccasins, sandals, 2pair sneakers, hiking boots and work boots
sharloy•10mo ago
Yea I’m not counting hyper specific shoes like climbing shoes or basketball shoes but I’d consider running shoes in rotation
setfiretoflames•10mo ago
Here are all of mine, minus running shoes and my Birks and La Botte Gardiane mules that are by the door. And a pair of Margiela tuxedo boots
mewball•10mo ago
i have an app called stylebook that i use but i haent maintained it
mewball•10mo ago
Paid though and it’s painstaking taking all the photos
Affluence•10mo ago
roughly 300 items, including accessories and shoes
mewball•10mo ago
but it works well
Who dis?
Who dis?•10mo ago
This post has me sweatin'. A rough description would be: not a whole lot of t shirts, shirts and dress shirts. But a lot of jackets and bottoms like jeans and few joggers. Very small collection of footwear.
Bond•10mo ago
i also use stylebook
mewball•10mo ago
yeah im gonna update it today i think updating it is not nearly as bad as first onboarding
Bond•10mo ago
in 'style stats' it shows item count and total closet value which i didn't really need to know
mewball•10mo ago
yup lol
Bond•10mo ago
i'ma keep it to myself
Affluence•10mo ago
I have "amount spent" and "item value"
jawntanamo_bae•10mo ago
These are two very different things
Bond•10mo ago
how do you figure item value tho
Affluence•10mo ago
one is what I tell my partner, the other is what I tell my insurance MSRP mainly or for super rare vintage stuff, how much it would cost to replace
mewball•10mo ago
i have "paid" and "market value" but obviously asterisk on market value rly depends on the item
sharloy•10mo ago
Holy fuck my wardrobe is too big now I realize I need to pare it down
Sam Bam Thank You Maam
Sam Bam Thank You Maam•10mo ago
i realized i have more pants than i thought i did, but not enough fall/winter stuff or workout clothing
sioku•10mo ago
i have so much lol i counted and i actually felt a bit of shame. but the good thing is that i wear everything pretty often so its not like they're being wasted
rej•10mo ago
all of my button ups and a few jackets here. i have ~5 casual jackets that I cycle through. one rain coat, one overcoat 2 suits 3 pairs of jeans - light wash, dark wash, black 6-10 pairs casual pants - fatigues, white painters, olive chinos, khakis, sage green herringbone pants, brown and black cords, climbing pants, sweats maybe like 15-20 t shirts. mostly solid colors, a few graphic t's. 10-ish pairs of shoes ranging from converse to paraboots. also have some redwing work boots and dress shoes in brown and black this count leaves out clothes to lounge around the house and workout stuff
eggtart!•10mo ago
Too many tees is all I know I feel like it's easy for me to just think oh I can throw this tee on but any other garment makes you think harder about it
khanstopme•10mo ago
I feel like I have too many clothes and not enough at the same time but mainly it’s because I have too many items that can’t be used for multiple outfits and I have too many clothes for contexts that I barely ever encounter
BlueisPurple•10mo ago
I've only counted my pants recently but I'm at 42 pairs. This includes shorts and bathers. I do live in Canada so the seasons require more pants but I'm certainly on the higher end amongst even my fashion friends. I like having a large selection and find my style choices vary day to day so don't mind the higher than normal count.
setfiretoflames•10mo ago
Google Docs
Wardrobe 2023
Sheet1 Brand,Item,Size,Price,Type Undercover,AW13 Anatomicouture Tee,4,$75.00,Top Undercover,AW05 WMNNC Tee,3,$89.00,Top GRP,Bubble Knit Polo,6,$143.97,Top Dead & Company,Tour Tee 2023,L,$50.00,Top Iron Maiden,Tour Tee 2019,XL,$45.00,Top Supreme,WTAPS Collab 2007,L,$40.00,Top Pye,Black Tee,L,$17.00
mewball•10mo ago
Got my breakdown too
mewball•10mo ago
mewball•10mo ago
84 items total, was way off !! I kinda forgot I went on a recent huge spree loll
khanstopme•10mo ago
Just counted mine, I’m at 34 items total: • 6 Tops • 10 Sweaters / Hoodies • 8 Jackets / Coats • 4 Bottoms • 4 Shoes • The rest is miscellaneous
rej•10mo ago
6 tops?? do you wash them every week?
khanstopme•10mo ago
Yeah I do laundry once a week Context to this is that before the pandemic, I travelled like 200ish days a year so basically my whole wardrobe was packable into a carry on Also context I got rid of 15 items last week so I did have more but culled some stuff I never wore / had got damaged over time
sharloy•10mo ago
Do you consider t shirts as tops? Wait what happens if someone invites you to a beach bonfire or hike?
mewball•10mo ago
yes but only my nicer ones like dion lee or rick or fun vintage. i have some beater uniqlo tees for sleeping/working out and such not listed. wear a tee shirt (beater or "nicer" idrc) and jeans/shorts? i have hokas in the shoes but ive hiked in sneakers plenty anwyay
setfiretoflames•10mo ago
Wear your kicks (and clothes)
mewball•10mo ago
yeah i maybe wouldn't wear the premium yohji to the hike and bonfire session but i wear my clothes like regular
sharloy•10mo ago
What I’ve learned is in order to always have drip I need to get rid of my other clothes
mewball•10mo ago
also true
setfiretoflames•10mo ago
Trying to do that ends with me wearing a prana hooded tee and vuori shorts for two days straight
mewball•10mo ago
mewball•10mo ago
id wear these to hike or beach the pics are shitty bc theyre mine but the app is kinda nice to play around w hmm i think i might be missing a hoodie or two in this too
khanstopme•10mo ago
Did you make these in stylebook?? You’re selling me on it
mewball•10mo ago
i did lol. i forgot you could do this you can add inspo images and such as well its not perfect but its nice i might save some fits in here
khanstopme•10mo ago
kinda better than my Notion implementation
mewball•10mo ago
my main rec would be to use a different app to remove the backgrounds because the in app thing is annoying and not very good but its pretty decent overall
Bond•10mo ago
@mewball do you know how to change the main image for a category?
mewball•10mo ago
khanstopme•10mo ago
using the ios photos app is the best at that now imo
mewball•10mo ago
yeah honestly that is perfect
sharloy•10mo ago
I’m mostly just impressed that you own 11 vet items
mewball•10mo ago
Tada. Missing a tee I think
mewball•10mo ago
been too hot to wear most of it
bishopcorrigan•10mo ago
Have you tried your dress danglies hack yet
mewball•10mo ago
not yet... soon t m
sharloy•10mo ago
The blue dress is kinda insane bc I didn’t know that was demnas style I just own a half joke item and never wear it
mewball•10mo ago
Vetements Fall 2016 Ready-to-Wear Collection
Vetements Fall 2016 Ready-to-Wear collection, runway looks, beauty, models, and reviews.
mewball•10mo ago
smh fw2016 one of the most goated of all time pretty much
mewball•10mo ago
i still want this dress
sharloy•10mo ago
Ahh the sleeves I get it Acne’s doing that for this season The double sleeve thing That’s a nice dress
mewball•10mo ago
sorry let me take this to #inspiration
TMNY•10mo ago
T shirts: 10-ish Short sleeve shirts (camp collar ex): 7 Shorts: 5 Jeans: 8 Jackets (light weight): 8 Chinos/pants (wide): 4 slimmer chinos: 3 Blazers/similar jackets: 2 Hoodies: 8 Sneakers: 8 Boots: 1 Sandals: 1 Clogs: 1 Sweaters/cardigans: 2 Heavy coat: 1 Long sleeve button down: 3 This is probably not everything just what I can think of Gym/work out clothes have been excluded
sharloy•10mo ago
I just counted I have 30 tees Not including beater tees
mewball•10mo ago
Double R
Double R•10mo ago
I have too many junk clothes, not enough of what I actually need
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