MongoDB AuthenticationFailed + property use the CI = false

project_id = 2f9c75e7-beb9-4f30-9fa6-17e4c1f93301 Hello everyone, I'm here for the first time. I'm trying to launch my small project on Railway. I'm using Java Spring for the backend and React for the frontend. The database is MongoDB. I've created corresponding services for all of them on Railway. I've read the documentation on the website and Discord, but I couldn't find information about the two issues I encountered. 1. The backend deployment was successful, and it starts up normally. I added all the fields like MONGO_URL, MONGOUSER, etc. from the Railway database to Variables. As a result, there are no errors during backend startup. However, when I try to execute any request from Swagger (GET, POST, etc.), I get an 500 error in Swagger and following in the console: MongoCommandException: Command failed with error 18 (AuthenticationFailed): 'Authentication failed... Moreover, if I manually enter the connection details in IntelliJ Idea UE, the connection to the database works, and I can see Collections and modify/add data. What could be causing the issue of the backend connecting to MongoDB on Railway? 2. The second problem is related to frontend deployment. During the project build, I receive a lot of same errors: Expected linebreaks to be 'CRLF' but found 'LF' I'm not sure why this problem occurred because I have specified CRLF in all my files. In the documentation, I read that setting the variable "CI = false" should ignore such errors during the build, but this isn't happening. Can you please advise me on what I might be doing wrong? Thanks!
1 Reply
Percy10mo ago
Project ID: 2f9c75e7-beb9-4f30-9fa6-17e4c1f93301