How does a brannock device work
I wanna make sure my interpretation of a 8.5D right/9C left brannock measurement makes sense, given these are my other measurements of shoes I own:
Rancourt: 7E
Nike: 8.5
New Balance: 8.5
Converse: 8.5
Vans: 9
See attached

34 Replies
My hot take: Who cares? Buy shoes that feel comfortable, brannock fetishization is weird.
cause fucking noone can size me off the internet for shoes off the internet
its not that i care about the specific measurement as much as I care for ordering shoes i can't try on in person
That looks like 8.5D for both to me HTB, 7.5 HTT. Go off the heel to ball for stitched footwear
Yeah, but I know my Brannock but it still doesn't actually help and I still nearly always end up ordering two or three sizes to see what might work best. Plus "break in" changes things anyway.
so 8.5D HTB, 7.5E HTT?
That’s what it looks like. Although it looks like you have a high arch/instep maybe? Foot doesn’t seem super flat haha
ya thats my suspicison cause look at my rancourt size lol
and thats been good in both boots and loafers from them
plus my UK7 doc derbies are too big and have heel slip
honestly my HTB seems a bit useless cause of how different it is from HTT
for a lot of stitched shoes
feels like ill get heelslip
Heelslip is normal on stitched footwear till it breaks in. I would suggest going off HTB, especially if it’s any last with a narrow waist or less voluminous toe box
ok, good to know
My HTB is shorter than my HTT too. I used to always go HTT because I didn’t like the heelslip aspect, but once I started going off HTB shit got so much comfier.
ugh does this mean i need to b reak in my docs
i guess i don't understand how heelslip goes away by breaking in shoes
Heel collapses inward
huh, god my docs are so uncomfy this is not inspiring
Often caused by lack of flexibility in the shoe, wear it more, create a flex point that suits you.
So the thing is that some shoes are not ever gonna be comfortable. Either the materials or the last or a combination of the two may just not be working for you. No point in trying to force it. Shoes should be somewhat wearable from jump. Maybe not like slippers, but they shouldn’t be causing pain
Nice photos
thirsty for feet pics huh
Right: 7.5 HTT, 8.5 HTB. D width
Left: 7 HTT, 9 HTB. C width
In my opinion
Nothing about the shoe sizes you’ve provided stick out too much other than the Rancourt size but iirc you wear the ranger mocs?
Call me Quentin
Have both harrison boots in 7E and the beefroll loafers in 6.5E (they say size down a half size) from rancourt
Both fit great
Ah okay that tracks
As a counter point to what upsetti said, docs are pretty well known for being uncomfortable to break in. Granted this is more common with certain models and leathers but depending on how they are hurting you it could be worth it to tough it out. My mie black leather 1460s were bought secondhand but basically nwot and they were painful to wear for long periods for well over a year. Now they're some of my most comfortable shoes and I often wear them dancing for hours.
If you're getting blisters at the heel this will go away with time and can be prevented with thick socks and/or moleskin
Good to know, they are 1461s with major heel slip so i don't want to wear them
but i got them for like $90 brand new from nordstrom rack and I like the idea of black derbies so if you think they will likely work with time i could tough it out
It goes back to whether they're sized correctly otherwise, but yes I do think it's worth
Black doc derbies are a staple and for good reason, but anyone buying new docs should understand that they will pay the blood price for a while
I've got brown mie 1460s I got secondhand and despite a little heel slip they are super comfy
My wisdom for docs is always buy secondhand and let someone else break them in for you
i didn't try the UK6s but they are UK7s so it could go either way
unfortunately i wasn't smart enough to let someone else pay but I have heard you pay the blood price
Just save them for the fall and wear super thick socks and only wear them out for like errands and such
If you need insoles idk about any of that lol I have very flat feet
i have heel pads + tongue pads in em rn
Oh wow okay
still a little slip though
I have the same setup on some loafers and I never wear them because slippy loafers are the worst
ya i mean thats basically why the docs don't see use
they hurt and are inconvient, regardless of the asthetic
Ya size down dog esp if they slip laced as tight as they go
ya i should sell em and get a size smaller i think
think its much more likely to work out that way
ive worn em so little and got them for so cheap i might be able to get basically make the money back on em even if i fucked up by not returning them
For sure, someone outta these 10k users gotta be looking for docs