Use my old accounts or make new ones?

Hey! does anyone know some pros and cons for social media accounts regarding wanting to take SoMe seriously? I mean like i have profiles on all the accounts but i dont feel like im reaching the proper people yk? PepeHands Should i make new profiles (tiktok and instagram) and start over? or keep trying on my current accounts... (Note: i did use these accounts for personal use before following a thought/dream about wanting to persue content creation, especially because im tired of my "actual" If anyone wanna check out the profiles its @ laurarietzke, if it helps get an idea for an answer. I hope some of yall have PepeHands
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2 Replies
probablyraging10mo ago
It sort of depends on how easily your current audience will adapt to your new content. Starting fresh gives you a clean slate but means gaining a following from scratch, which can take quite some time. Also makes it a little harder as posts with less interaction won't likely be pushed as much as posts with some interaction. Using your existing account might mean your current audience will interact with your new content helping to push it to the algo, but that fully depends on if they adapt to the new content or not. No harm in giving your existing account a crack for a while, seeing how it goes. If it seems viable then stick with it, if not, start a fresh account.
L A U R A10mo ago
Ty for the response. I don’t think my current at least instagram account is PepeHands and most my TikTok’s are stuck at max 500 views derwut