What brand you hate irrationally - Topic of the day 9/2/23

They may make fine clothes, but that's not why you dislike them. Maybe you dislike the name, maybe you think the designer is too hot, maybe you think the designer is a white woman appropriating indian culture without due credit to the artisans. Whatever your reasons, make them unreasonable.
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156 Replies
Wonkymythology10mo ago
Speaking of bode I took a friend there to check the clothes out in person and she immediately recognized it as the place a couple of her illustrator friends 'interned' at without pay (or very little? I think it depended on the person) to paint senior cords for them lol But to actually answer the q, for me it's wildfang for naming things 'the empower blouse' etc
booktroll10mo ago
I'm not sure if this counts as irrational but I hope someone is studying the global hallucinatory phenomena whereby people think New Balances look good.
Confuzzler10mo ago
Enfants Riches Déprimés, which i feel like totally encapsulates snobby rich euro kids who say the n word on discord servers Also high end brands that just put prints onto blanks and call it a day like Mastermind and Chrome Hearts. The accessories for Chrome Hearts are cool though
sharloy10mo ago
They have so many different shoe designs tho I mostly hate brands rationally. I hate FOG essentials and Stone Island because of their wearers. I hate golden goose because I think it’s ugly. I hate market and kappa because I think it’s gaudy and has bad designs. I hate CDG play and ASSC because they’re uninspired. But I guess the brand I hate irrationally is orSlow bc everyone has a pair on here, it costs like $300 retail, and everyone thinks it’s way better than other options because it’s Japanese or something.
KissGo-Goat10mo ago
The bode interior house tour was kinda funny, she and her partner are kinda self parodies
sharloy10mo ago
I also kinda hate chrome hearts but admit that it’s kinda cool
KissGo-Goat10mo ago
My irretational hate would probably be brands which I really like the look of but that aren't produced in my size or that I can't afford
Confuzzler10mo ago
orSlow I get. It's very reliable I feel, if you're looking for a those type of pants. Kinda like gramicci
sharloy10mo ago
But like gramicci is affordable I genuinely like the way orslow looks
Confuzzler10mo ago
think a lot of people just proxy from the used japan market
KissGo-Goat10mo ago
How expensive is Orslow in Japan?
Confuzzler10mo ago
like around the $200 range new iirc and under $100 used
sharloy10mo ago
Also I’d like to say that this is probably the best answer here bc everyone hates your opinion which is exactly what it’s about
Confuzzler10mo ago
think my most irrational one is perte d'ego and wax london they have nice stuff but have such a instagram brand image that im put off by it like tombolo but less so
Bigelow10mo ago
This isn't "what's your fashion unpopular opinion" tho
sharloy10mo ago
That’s what irrational is tho right if u don’t have a good reason to hating it Bc most the brands I hate I hate for a reason Wax London gives baby’s first nice overshirt purchase vibes Oh same reason I kinda hate all saints
Confuzzler10mo ago
the fabrics look really nice, just wish it was from another brand...
Bigelow10mo ago
I'm a fan of the embroidered shirts from perte d'ego
Confuzzler10mo ago
ive seen some ive really liked but all the insta ads and the webstore being very shopify standard theme just puts me off which is dumb but its my irrational take!
Bigelow10mo ago
Yeah that's what the thread is for lol
cathode ray jepsen
I hate Matthew Williams for no particular reason.
s0up10mo ago
I irrationally hate Percival. I actually think a lot of it looks cool and I'd wear it. But the amount of ads I get from them on Instagram has made me decide I'm never buying a single item of clothing from them
Confuzzler10mo ago
oh yeah them too
Bigelow10mo ago
My irrational hate brand is COS And I can't give a good reason because it's irrational! I guess the reason is because, while they're far from the worst mall brand, when I've been to their store at my mall I can't find a single thing I think is worth buying
youngblood10mo ago
18east's poser skater and "i went to india once" energy makes me hate it so much. which is maybe borderline rational but for some reason i give a bunch of other brands with that energy a pass.
sharloy10mo ago
I love cos so much lol it’s like my most bought brand
tun🌻10mo ago
haha I love Percival but I completely agree with the hate of being advertised to. Thankfully I am very rarely on Instagram...
sharloy10mo ago
I understand why u would hate it though if u don’t like minimalism or the fact that it pretends to be so high end but it’s just a better H&M
Confuzzler10mo ago
same, but at the same time the fabric they use is great for the price and some of the stuff is right up my alley so i give them a pass lol
sharloy10mo ago
I just find it to be uniqlo with more interesting cuts
Bigelow10mo ago
Yeah some folks here like the brand and that's cool
imbadatusernames10mo ago
Antonio was a skater lol but yeah he’s got the went to India once vibe I can’t argue with that.
Confuzzler10mo ago
i think the thing isnt that hes a skater but how gatekeepy hes making it
Smiles10mo ago
Antonio is literally a self parody His clothes are cool
Confuzzler10mo ago
and permeating that energy too much
Smiles10mo ago
Someone post the 18east insta posts lol
Confuzzler10mo ago
for cos, i like the brand but i always see it and wonder if I could just buy the same thing from another brand if that other brand went on sale
Smiles10mo ago
Also the anti-asian racism while lifting directly from southeast Asian culture is cringe obviously
imbadatusernames10mo ago
I hate IG brands and mall brands. Too many to name
Smiles10mo ago
But these aren't irrational reasons, think the brand I hate irrationally is probably SLP lol
imbadatusernames10mo ago
I also fucking hate vineyard vines and anything associated with modern frats
Smiles10mo ago
Not cause I could ever afford their clothes, and their look is iconic, I think I'm mostly annoyed they haven't changed their look in 20 years now And appointing people who just copy hedi after he left is so boring
imbadatusernames10mo ago
Timeless and versatile
Bigelow10mo ago
I used to dislike PRL (I think I got confused about the various RL brands and thought they were just diffusion crap). But since then I've realized if you can look past the really preppy stuff they have some good pieces, especially vintage high rise pleated pants and the made in Italy tailoring with great fabrics
Smiles10mo ago
PRL fucks up it's own styling a lot too lol Also I hate SLP fanboys
jawntanamo_bae10mo ago
I hate Stoffa because I’m poor
cathode ray jepsen
Most of the people I’ve interacted with who like Hedi are actually p chill Still hate Hedi tho Rationally The clothes r bad
Smiles10mo ago
I think it's cause I interact with them online, and yes I dislike hedi too
Confuzzler10mo ago
one i just dont like is Greg Lauren, feels too ugly for the price..
Smiles10mo ago
I hate all "quiet luxury" brands! The MFA classic
cathode ray jepsen
This is the most rational hatred
imbadatusernames10mo ago
Maybe you should check out boffa
I hate SLP because whenever I wear my Shoes Like Pottery I have no way to abbreviate
Bigelow10mo ago
s0up10mo ago
I only learnt about SLP since joining here. I dislike it because pottery is the last thing I want shoes to be like
Confuzzler10mo ago
i think its because the rubber is baked
I hate quiet luxury imitation brands because quiet luxury is not something that the poors should be able to obtain
Smiles10mo ago
I'm ngl I don't understand shoes like pottery, chucks are beaters Why do I need nicer beaters Don't hate em just don't get it
shoes like pottery are just quiet luxury chucks
Elvander10mo ago
Soles are blue
no branding ohyes
Elvander10mo ago
So blu I find them on huge discount usually not much more than chucks if anything
cathode ray jepsen
You are not ready to hear about skagways
Smiles10mo ago
Also then I lose the iconic branding
tbh I don't care for the branding on chuck taylors
Smiles10mo ago
Lmao ofc visvim did this
imbadatusernames10mo ago
Shoes like pottery in 2023? huhh2
Smiles10mo ago
I think the rubber patch is pretty iconic
Elvander10mo ago
Oh no are they not present year anymore
Confuzzler10mo ago
i dont really treat them like beaters, but also the rubber being baked makes then last longer. also $70 on their website which isnt too bad
it's personal preference, there's no right answer. What appeals to me most about the pots is the pure minimalism of them
Confuzzler10mo ago
boring white canvas/leather sneakers always have a place in my heart
Smiles10mo ago
I don't hate shoes like pottery, but they definitely aren't for me I also own so many shoes even my beaters don't go that quick
mine have held up surprisingly well, especially considering I picked them up used wear them at least 3x a week
Confuzzler10mo ago
sometimes thing japan isnt a meme! quality really much better
just toss em in the wash when they get too gross
cathode ray jepsen
I hate MM Replicas, and all other GATs by association, simply because almost every other Margiela shoe is better
I hate h&m because one time in college I was wearing h&m jeans and I bent down to tie my shoe and the whole ass ripped out
Bigelow10mo ago
Had that happen with some gap chinos, blew the center back seam out at a house party in college
Confuzzler10mo ago
living up to the name
kalvin10mo ago
This reminds me of that one vid with the guy dancing in his suit trousers then squats down and his schlong just pops out
Confuzzler10mo ago
one of my favorite videos!
sharloy10mo ago
H&M and forever 21 are the two brands that I have actually experienced clothing “falling apart”
Confuzzler10mo ago
its like oddly satisfying how it just pops out
the only forever 21 thing I ever bought was the taco bell hoodie
kalvin10mo ago
Right? Lmao Like it was just ready to party
sharloy10mo ago
Oh ya it was like the frat date party lol
imbadatusernames10mo ago
book10mo ago
My burning hatred for 18east is rooted in focused, furious logic
algoresky10mo ago
i hate nanamica. everything about it is up my alley. they've done nothing offensive. the clothes look good. still hate them
book10mo ago
I dislike quite a few brands No Man Walks Alone stocks - Kaptain Sunshine, Document, and Sage De Cret in particular. I have no idea why but looking at outfits featuring those brands irritates me
cathode ray jepsen
SdC has some bangers, but they’re few and far between
Weeg10mo ago
The burning hate i feel for heydudes cant be overstated It may not be irrational totally cause theyre undeniably butt ugly But every time i see them i get indignant
book10mo ago
Heydudes is cheating any eye users will take one look and hate them
SpicyOcelot10mo ago
Probably gonna get flamed for this, but I’ve always hated Rick Owens. It’s a great, standout brand, very unique aesthetic, etc, but Rick himself looks like a drowned rat and the brand’s most popular item is a glorified Converse high top. Like oh cool, you make clothes for people who loved Nightmare Before Christmas a bit too much as a kid.
jawntanamo_bae10mo ago
I hate Kaptain Sunshine because NMWA only stocks up to a 42 chest for them
Sal10mo ago
10/10 take Hating the designer, but not his clothes, for being ugly
Elvander10mo ago
Love KS and SDC both so for me this fits the remit of irrational hatred. Was wearing SDC today lol.
book10mo ago
Oh on the topic of mfa darling brands I never understood why De Bonne Facture got so hype for like a whole year. They made one 6/10 coat and the rest of their catalogue is universal works for 2x the price
Elvander10mo ago
This I agree on, never got the hype.
book10mo ago
The fact that you wear those brands redeems them a little in my eyes
Elvander10mo ago
Sal10mo ago
Hard to think of a brand I genuinely hate for a stupid reason but Akashi Kama comes to mind bc the founder flamed an MFA legend for wearing a noragi while white when he founded his whole brand to sell watered down slim fit noragis to americans
SpicyOcelot10mo ago
How can you trust a man who opts to look that way
Elvander10mo ago
A lot of SDC in particular is a swing and a miss but when they hit, with their linen / hemp overdye militaria stuff for example, I love it.
book10mo ago
I nearly purchased an akashi kama Noragiin 2017 when I first started trying to dress better… a power greater than any of us stayed my hand that day and pushed me toward the path of righteousness
Sal10mo ago
he's beautiful idgi
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jawntanamo_bae10mo ago
Nah the Grandad Coat is an 8.5 out of 10 at least once you put it on
Bigelow10mo ago
Granddad coat 6/10?? 😭
book10mo ago
I will die on this hill I don’t even like frank leder or kaptain sunshine but their versions of big coats are far more interesting and like $400 cheaper
jawntanamo_bae10mo ago
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book10mo ago
I’m entering my mfad villain era If they wanted my respect they’d make a grandmom coat
no respect for j press blatant rip off of everything j crew has ever done even the name
jawntanamo_bae10mo ago
Okay but a grandmom coat sounds sick as fuck. I just imagine a long coat with a slightly asymmetrical hemline that’s made of quilts
don't get me started on j peterman j jjound come the fuck on
algoresky10mo ago
and you say you don't like bode??
jawntanamo_bae10mo ago
Aesthetically, I like Bode quite a bit. They’re fairly problematic and really expensive though and that’s a hard pill to swallow.
algoresky10mo ago
oh totally, just a tease
Elvander10mo ago
I bought a boucle coat from Universal Works once that when it arrived became apparent it was a grandmom coat
jawntanamo_bae10mo ago
I have an Ikiji boucle coat that all my friends give me shit for saying its an Old Lady Coat, a Bathrobe, etc. doesn’t bother me though, I love it
Elvander10mo ago
This was back early in my journey into clothes obsession, it was too much too fast. I'd def have kept it now. maybe not:
jawntanamo_bae10mo ago
Tbh the button spacing and chest pocket are not doin it for me
Elvander10mo ago
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Elvander10mo ago
Yeah UW construction is mid, it's great for the price but it does not dazzle.
Confuzzler10mo ago
just the cuts ruin it for me
TGO10mo ago
My answer to this, as I mentioned earlier, is black ficus because I hate the fucking name
Elvander10mo ago
As good an irrational reason as any
TGO10mo ago
Some@good answers here. Winner is the “Rick is ugly” so far Great choice
cathode ray jepsen
Fun fact: Rick’s hair is naturally curly
jawntanamo_bae10mo ago
I hate Yves Saint Laurent because I can’t pronounce it
Bigelow10mo ago
Purposefully pronouncing SLP as "Saint Low Rent Perris" to own the Fr*nch
amy lion doray
sharloy10mo ago
Sah lah rah pah
awburkey10mo ago
Pronounce the “laur” like an Aussie Hating NBs is like hating nickelback I don’t consider it a real opinion or actual dislike.
Sal10mo ago
Is it the Yves part be honest
As I was walking to Saint Yves Saint Laurent, I met a man with seven Wyves Saint Laurent
jawntanamo_bae10mo ago
Nah thats the easy part
dosius10mo ago
I don't know if this is irrational, but Corridor just kinda bums me out. Like it's never quite right in terms of cut, fit, material, or price Like one of the above is just off And it's ALMOST great
Confuzzler10mo ago
thats my feeling too the cuts are a little too off at times, mainly the shoulder area love the acid plaid fabrics but wish the color choices was more interesting
jawntanamo_bae10mo ago
I think this is rational. Corridor is always just shy of hitting the mark and when they’ve done it like 367 times that is a little demoralizing
kyoko10mo ago
Is there really ever an irrational reason to hate a brand, when it comes to clothing "looks ugly to my eye" is rational enough
jawntanamo_bae10mo ago
“Looks ugly,” is totally a rational reason to hate a brand.
zacheadams10mo ago
I hate J Crew for being the default "nice"/"office"/"dressed up" choice for men for a decade.
SteezeTrain10mo ago
ALD sucks and if it wasn't for their Instagram look books they wouldn't be popular
jawntanamo_bae10mo ago
I hate Engineered Garments because saying their name out loud sounds pretentious
walter_crunkite10mo ago
Would have come here to say this All of the brands I dislike are for valid logical reasons I think my real answer is the same as TGOs because black fuckus is a brand that doesn’t exist that everyone started talking about constantly The pants look good but it simply doesn’t exist
dosius10mo ago
Broke: black ficus makes great linen clothing Woke: black ficus doesn't exist Bespoke: black ficus is a Ukrainian armed forces psyop to generate more good will in the west
mattw28210mo ago
Spuck10mo ago
Fucking Rolex, man. Corny as shit when I was younger, and now a mark of the least interesting, most easily led sheep of a fella with too much money and too little capacity for independent thought. Also everything Chrome Hearts makes, including the jewelery, and Rick fans
walter_crunkite10mo ago
those all feel pretty rational to me
Aaron 🍍
Aaron 🍍10mo ago
Brohji got beef with me. Tbf I haven’t bought chrome since 2017. When the site went up I knew it was way past over. I got beef with Mike Amiri but I try to forget he exists.
Spuck10mo ago
imbadatusernames10mo ago
Something about Corridor doesn’t sit right with me
SteezeTrain10mo ago
Corridor is a Psyop
walter_crunkite10mo ago
Oh that reminds me that my real real answer is adsum Which for whatever reason I categorize along with corridor
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