Railway10mo ago

Hello, i have a deploy error that i don't have before

Hello, my last deploy was a year ago, i have make a litle update and now the nodejs projet give my a path error for a file that i don't have touch, i have try to redeploy the deploy before my update but same error, my error :
throw err;


Error: Cannot find module '../../index.js'

Require stack:

- /usr/src/app/src/handlers/events/event.ts

- /usr/src/app/src/client.ts

- /usr/src/app/src/index.ts
throw err;


Error: Cannot find module '../../index.js'

Require stack:

- /usr/src/app/src/handlers/events/event.ts

- /usr/src/app/src/client.ts

- /usr/src/app/src/index.ts
20 Replies
Percy10mo ago
Project ID: 152ff848-e90d-48e6-9bfd-f487495da195
arcoz10mo ago
arcoz10mo ago
Comparing master@{1day}...master · Arcoz0308/BSE-bot
Le bot discord de BSE. Contribute to Arcoz0308/BSE-bot development by creating an account on GitHub.
Medim10mo ago
It runs fine locally?
arcoz10mo ago
Yes And the old build buildet a moth ago that i have try to rebuild for continue maintain my bot, but crashed to
Medim10mo ago
My guess is that theres a problem with u path alias Look at the path the error generated /usr/src/app/src/ double src and in ur tsconfig.json u got a "$core/*": [ "./src/*" ]
arcoz10mo ago
Is work dir
arcoz10mo ago
BSE-bot/Dockerfile at master · Arcoz0308/BSE-bot
Le bot discord de BSE. Contribute to Arcoz0308/BSE-bot development by creating an account on GitHub.
Medim10mo ago
If u remove the Dockerfile and set the start command in the service to npm run start:prod does it work?
arcoz10mo ago
I have dependences require node v19 So i don't can run without dockerfile
Medim10mo ago
You can set a NIXPACKS_NODE_VERSION = 19 env var to set the node version
arcoz10mo ago
19 is added of support ?
Medim10mo ago
ye (i think) nvm it doesn't, i thought my app was running on 19 but it runs on 18 I had the same issue you are having, but i can't remember exactly what i did to fix it
arcoz10mo ago
https://discord.com/channels/713503345364697088/1136776022012985504 My last post have say to use dockerfile for fix it
Medim10mo ago
if brody said it, better keep that dockerfile there
arcoz10mo ago
But the thing that are cringe, that the same deploy run one moth ago but not now
Brody10mo ago
what I didn't write that dockerfile
arcoz10mo ago
Yes, but you have say my to use a dockerfile I have write it same, and one moth ago he was work without problem
Brody10mo ago
why do you have your lock file in the gitignore
arcoz10mo ago
I use pnpm in dev, and is autogenered gitignore
FROM node:19-alpine AS base
RUN corepack enable

COPY . /app

FROM base AS prod-deps
RUN pnpm install --prod --frozen-lockfile

FROM base AS build
RUN pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
RUN pnpx prisma generate
RUN pnpm run build

FROM base
COPY --from=prod-deps /app/node_modules /app/node_modules
COPY --from=build /app/out /app/out
CMD [ "pnpm", "run", "start:prod" ]
FROM node:19-alpine AS base
RUN corepack enable

COPY . /app

FROM base AS prod-deps
RUN pnpm install --prod --frozen-lockfile

FROM base AS build
RUN pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
RUN pnpx prisma generate
RUN pnpm run build

FROM base
COPY --from=prod-deps /app/node_modules /app/node_modules
COPY --from=build /app/out /app/out
CMD [ "pnpm", "run", "start:prod" ]
fix, now i use pnpm, swc and build and run, after somes hours to try to run it correctly
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