Railway•11mo ago

Request to free up custom domain

My project id : 5df73bd5-7d04-40dd-9e57-97f1cdd89a60 Can u pls delete the given custom domain, it shows not available for me. spiritiitg.in www.spiritiitg.in
39 Replies
Percy•11mo ago
Project ID: 5df73bd5-7d04-40dd-9e57-97f1cdd89a60
Brody•11mo ago
have you previously used that domain on railway?
vs•11mo ago
Brody•11mo ago
can you show some kind of proof its yours?
vs•11mo ago
I purchased it through godaddy. I have a screenshot of that . Would that work ?
Brody•11mo ago
vs•11mo ago
No description
Brody•11mo ago
Duchess•11mo ago
Thread has been flagged to Railway team by @Brody.
vs•11mo ago
@Brody Thanks for the fast reply. By what time can I expect my work to be completed?
Brody•11mo ago
id say tuesday by end of day most likely, but no promises since i dont work for railway
Ray•11mo ago
You'll have to login to the Railway account that holds the project/service and delete it yourself
Brody•11mo ago
I had assumed it was one of those instances where the service was already deleted and the domain never got freed
Ray•11mo ago
ya me too but, it's tied to another project/service in another account, and we can't release that for security reasons
Brody•11mo ago
oh interesting hypothetically, what if someone maliciously registered it to a railway service in order to prevent vs from using it in their own service?
Ray•11mo ago
@phenomenal_flamingo_15334 please login to your other account and delete the domain, you'll be able to add it to your new one thereafter If you've lost access to the account, I'll need you to create a TXT record on @ with a value of railway-reset-1153009346691739668 on those domains before I can release them I mean you still gotta create the CNAME in your registrar, which you can only do if you control it
Brody•11mo ago
well that answers my question!
Ray•11mo ago
so it's likely they have a forgotten account
vs•11mo ago
@rayofbytes @Brody I have cleared all the projects that used this domain earlier, but now the issue is my custom domain option has somehow disappeared from the project settings. I can only find the option to manipulate the railway app's domain. Where can i find the custom domain option now ?
Brody•11mo ago
there should be a button in that same area that says add a custom domain
vs•11mo ago
Ya its not there currently
No description
vs•11mo ago
@Brody how can i resolve this ?
Brody•11mo ago
please don't ping team/helpers #🛂|readme #5 try removing the railway domain
vs•11mo ago
I can manipulate the spirit23-test part but not able to change or delete the up.railway.app part pls help resolve this issue asap, its really urgent.
Brody•11mo ago
you should be able to hover over it and click a little trash icon
vs•11mo ago
should I delete this link then ? If still after deleting it shows domain unavailable then can I get the same link back ? As I have already deployed the website at this instead of my purchased godaddy link for now ? pls confirm this
Brody•11mo ago
deleting that railway domain should free it up for future use, but I make no promises
vs•11mo ago
Ya now domain is avaliable . Now when i go to godaddy and add the CNAME as provided by railway its not adding . It shows record data is invalid. What should I do now ?
Brody•11mo ago
GoDaddy does not support root level cnames, you will need to use cloudflare's nameservers, my bad for not mentioning this sooner
vs•11mo ago
I tried adding this to cloudflare too, this error comes up: An A, AAAA, or CNAME record with that host already exists. Eariler I added two CNAMEs in cloudflare, one with name as my domain name and content as the railway link eariler that i created and the second one at name of www and content as the railway app link created eariler. Shoud i delete these records and then try adding the newly given CNAME by railway for my domain
Brody•11mo ago
An A, AAAA, or CNAME record with that host already exists.
you need to remove the already existing entries in order to add another one so yes delete all railway related entries in cloudflare and add them back with the cname railway gave you
vs•11mo ago
Ya I have updated it I think it would take some time till the time railway detects it. Also should I change any of the settings of the record A on godaddy ? Like whatever was there eariler it should be kept that only right ? As railway did not gave any 'A' records data
Brody•11mo ago
delete all dns records from godaddy, you no longer manage your dns in godaddy it doesnt look like you are using cloudflares nameservers please follow this guide https://developers.cloudflare.com/dns/zone-setups/full-setup/setup/
vs•11mo ago
Yes I m using the recommeded go daddy's servers
Brody•11mo ago
you need to use cloudflares nameservers, follow the above guide cloudflare would have given you two nameservers to use, you would need to use those in godaddy
vs•11mo ago
Ok. Can u just make it clear that as I add the nameservers given by cloudflare what records should I add to cloudflare other then the CNAME given by railway if I want to view my website on my purchased domain
Brody•11mo ago
cname is the only dns record you need to use you should not be using any A or AAAA records with railway it is also worth noting that you need to set the ssl/tls mode to full in cloudflare https://docs.railway.app/deploy/exposing-your-app#provider-specific-instructions
vs•11mo ago
Thanks the issue is resolved ! You were very helpful.
Brody•11mo ago
no problem, glad I could help!
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