Can I create an environment from a secondary branch of a GitHub repository?

Hello, I have a Node.js web app on Railway, and I'm looking for a way to create a second instance for "snapshot" releases of my application. Currently, my main environment is set up from the master branch of my GitHub repository. However, I'd like to know if it's possible to create a separate environment from a secondary branch of the same repository to work on experimental features or releases without affecting the main environment. Thank you for your assistance!
7 Replies
Percy9mo ago
Project ID: N/A
joacoreloco9mo ago
Medim9mo ago
Yes you can create other enviroments on the project settings or on the project breadcrumb path at the top
No description
Medim9mo ago
its gonna replicate your main project, then go to each service and change its branch
Medim9mo ago
No description
joacoreloco9mo ago
Medim9mo ago
Can you mark it as solved? @joacoreloco