Invalid HTTP_HOST header.

I have a drf api hosted on railway. Everything was working fine, but recently I started getting bizarre errors regarding invalid http hosts. Is it an issue with railway or my code? Project Id: f78b6aa3-00f3-4e67-b077-513375b88839
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4 Replies
Percy8mo ago
Project ID: f78b6aa3-00f3-4e67-b077-513375b88839
Adam8mo ago
Railway was having some issues yesterday + this morning. Is the issue still happening?
Brody8mo ago
the issue has been resolved, if you continue to see this it would indicate an issue with your code, it also looks like you are running your app in development mode? that's not ideal either
Bibek Gautam
Bibek Gautam8mo ago
I'm running my app in production mode and this was a ss of the error mail I received. The error has not occurred today. My inbox was flooding with the error message last night and it got me really tensed. Thanks a lot for the response. Much appreciated.