Connect to Railway Postgres Instance through pgAdmin 4?

Goals I am trying to migrate my local Postgres DB to Railway Postgres remote instance DB through pgAdmin 4. Problems 1. I cannot connect to Railway Postgres instance database through pgAdmin 4. I have submitted an image with the server response. 2. I am unsure how to migrate my local Postgres database once I am connected to Railway Postgres database. Plan I have made a backup of my local Postgres DB and I am hoping to restore the backup to Railway Postgres DB once I am able to connect to it. Note 1. I have already searched online and in the help thread on discord pertaining to my issue, there was no valuable detailed information to be found. 2. I am using Postgres 16 version for my local database. Thank you for your time
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6 Replies
Percy8mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Project ID: N/A
Brody8mo ago
n/a as far as I'm aware postgres databases on railway use railway as both the username and default database
pillarofcats8mo ago
I successfully connected to the the postgres docker image through pgAdmin 4 after restarting the docker container on railway. There is a postgres database and a railways database and I inserted tables in both successfully, but the changes are not reflected in the railway app website postgres data tab? I am assuming the railway database is the main one, but there are no tables on the railway website data tab for the postgres database. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
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Brody8mo ago
it would be safe to completely ignore what you see (or don't see) in the data tab, it is unreliable at best if you're seeing the data in pgadmin than there's no need to check the data tab
pillarofcats8mo ago
Thank you, also would it be better to just do this via psql CLI?
Brody8mo ago
absolutely nothing wrong with pgadmin I personally use dbgate, but pgadmin is great too