Hi railway team

I want to pay my bill but it always show that card is invalid i tried 5 to 6 cards. and my server is down my company is got stuck due to this. show me the way othervise I have to think about other platform. if it is not resolved withtin next hour
15 Replies
Percy8mo ago
Project ID: N/A
soham94038mo ago
where to find project id?
MantisInABox8mo ago
Are you on the pro plan?
if it is not resolved within next hour
This doesn't even work with the pro plan. The expected response time is at least 24 hours to a few days depending on the workload that the team has. As long as you have emailed billing@railway.app you will need to be patient for the team. I will tag them in, but you will still need to wait for them to respond.
Duchess8mo ago
Thread has been flagged to Railway team by @Vin.
soham94038mo ago
I dont mind to go with pro or any plan. but they have to inform me about this features & condition
MantisInABox8mo ago
There is no condition that they need to inform you about. Your card did not go through when it came time to be billed. They will get to you when they get to you, you have emailed, and I have tagged them to this thread, so please, be patient.
soham94038mo ago
No description
MantisInABox8mo ago
That is an automated message telling you that they received your email. That they only answer billing related messages at that email. No other support will be provided if you send other types of questions to that email address. They will get to you
soham94038mo ago
is there any other way that i can reach them instantly because honestly my company is getting too much loss due to this
MantisInABox8mo ago
No, there is not. You need to be patient. If you want instant communication, using a startup for your hosting is probably not the best option. The team is very small, and they do not provide 24 hours access. Especially not for Hobby plan users, which only gets community support, and I have provided you with all the information that you need at this point. You just need to be patient and wait for a member of the team.
soham94038mo ago
okk can you suggest me that what should i do for enterprise solution lets skipp this moment but from next time i dont want this type of shit! so is there anything that railway is providing ! or I should move to AWS! just need a suggetion
MantisInABox8mo ago
i dont want this type of shit
Please be professional. I am telling you what you need to do, I understand that your business is losing money, but the only thing you can do in this situation is wait for a response.
soham94038mo ago
okk thanx brother
jeremy8mo ago
You can move to the enterprise plan that offers more support options (https://docs.railway.app/reference/support#business-class) and starts at about ~5000$/month https://discord.com/channels/713503345364697088/1159137399771758622/1159379453454069761
JustJake7mo ago
Was this resolved?