New video style, but my viewed:shown ratio has gone down

I posted this short at exactly the same time i post all my other shorts, and used mostly the same hashtags. Its a new video style, with subtitles and an ai voiceover telling a story, and my old shorts were just a video of something with music or something in the background. For these old posts, the shorts gain maybe 100-200 views within maybe 5-6 hours, then blow up to 5-15k views later. The viewed:shown with these videos starts as 70-80% for the first 200 views, then goes down over time to about 50% when the video dies. My new video, which i've linked, got 100-200 views in the first 5-6 hours like usual, but its viewed:shown was a bit less then 50%, and there was no blow up in views. What I am asking is why is this video not getting a good percentage?
5 Replies
4DC8mo ago
mufat8mo ago
mufat8mo ago
uploaded a file so i don't get removed for posting a link
Socks Studio
Socks Studio8mo ago
Could you send one of your other videos that did blow up so i can make a comparison to this v.s your old videos?
mercury!8mo ago
i feel like the audience retention is a big problem. the hook is good but thats really it, if you were to add music into this, visualize the text, tranistions and changing the color / size of the text (based on keywords) it would 100% excel the retention for the video