Men’s belt length

I got a belt and it’s too long, comically long… how short should it be cut to? Perhaps it could be defined in terms of which belt hole in the pic below, the excess belt should stop at
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5 Replies
andrew7mo ago
I’m no expert, but I’d say enough so that the end of the belt can pass through the first loop on your waist. And def not far out enough where it sticks out and adds to your silhouette. So maybe cut it so that the belt buckle goes in to the second or third hole?
catnappers7mo ago
The belt should be as long as the first belt loop after it wraps around your body
mattw2827mo ago
Your belt should be able to be buttoned on the the middle hole. That belt is too big for you.
Benji7mo ago
A shoe repair shop can shorten the belt for you for only like a couple of dollars I read
Thanks all!