CSV files in storage/app/data/csv not accessible?

Hello, I've setup a laravel api on railway. I have a seeder that tries to load csv files from the directory mentioned in the title.
$files = Storage::disk('local')->files('data/csv');
echo 'Files: ' . PHP_EOL;
$files = Storage::disk('local')->files('data/csv');
echo 'Files: ' . PHP_EOL;
the printed out files is just an empty array ..
#15 1.242 Files:
#15 1.242 Array
#15 1.242 (
#15 1.242 )
#15 1.242 Files:
#15 1.242 Array
#15 1.242 (
#15 1.242 )
Any Ideas?
5 Replies
Percy5mo ago
Project ID: fbb9abf1-59d9-4091-830c-01471f0d1c5e
Pipapu ꔪꕐꖛ
Brody5mo ago
how are you sure that there are actually files in that directory?
Pipapu ꔪꕐꖛ
dude i really am stupid xD You are right there is no such folder in my goddamn github repo .. Thanks for asking that .. Im gonna put the computer down for today xD its time to get some shut eye before anything
Brody5mo ago
haha always gotta be asking these kind of questions