Railway3mo ago

Reverting builder from nixpacks to heroku build packs

I can no longer deploy using heroku. But when selecting nixpacks as the builder, it get changed back to heroku which causes de deployment to fail. I am not using additional config files or env vars Project Id: e87c8099-5f9c-48b7-8abe-b7ece87bac37 Service Id: 60841370-77e5-45e9-b495-640d62d4138d
so two options here - - I get the team involved and they manually switch your service to nixpacks - you simply deploy your code into a new service and that will automatically use nixpacks...
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12 Replies
Percy3mo ago
Project ID: e87c8099-5f9c-48b7-8abe-b7ece87bac37,60841370-77e5-45e9-b495-640d62d4138d
Brody3mo ago
so two options here - - I get the team involved and they manually switch your service to nixpacks - you simply deploy your code into a new service and that will automatically use nixpacks
feudya3mo ago
Will it be too much hassle to involve the team? I would like to keep the same project id, and logs for the project history
Brody3mo ago
hassle? no not really, i see this as user-solvable and if we can solve this together its going to be faster than getting the team involved. the second option doesn't involve a new project. just a new service
feudya3mo ago
trying the second option
Brody3mo ago
can you run your action plan by me first? i dont want you to do something that you didnt mean to
feudya3mo ago
sure 1. Create a new service with same config, source, and env vars as the current one. 2. Make sure everything works as expected. 3. Rename the public urls of current one to [service-url]-deprecate 4. Rename the public urls of the new service to [service-url] I am not using other services directly within this one, or communicating internally to the current service. So the service id change will not impact that much on what im attempting to do Please let me know if the above sounds right
Brody3mo ago
as long as the service you create is within the same project you are good to go
feudya3mo ago
thanks question before making the final change. Will the previous domain used on old service will be available to use on the new service right away?
Brody3mo ago
yes the domain would be available to use on a new service right after being removed from the old service
feudya3mo ago
Wanted to confirm the service is working.
Brody3mo ago
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