Outfit Repeating - Topic of the day 1/14/25

Are there any specific fits that you've returned to recently? Why or why not? How much change has to occur before you consider an outfit as "different"? And is being an outfit rememberer worse than being an outfit repeater?
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55 Replies
Ninjury2mo ago
I have to imagine most people don’t literally wear different outfits on each of the 365 days in a given year
gv2mo ago
repeat the f out of them
Holfram2mo ago
Nothing wrong with repeating a favorite. Most days I just take yesterdays fit and swap out like one piece and that’s the next day done tbh
gv2mo ago
The only thing that I'm wary about is wearing the same thing the next year for a special occasion, for example NYE
jibba2mo ago
I like to outfit repeat because I’m always like, oh I could have done this better, and I think it’s one of the main ways I learn
Affluence2mo ago
Wear the same outfit and just get a new job/friends every day.
awburkey2mo ago
I do this all the time but paging @The Teenage Gentleman lol bc ik you have thoughts
zeometer2mo ago
lately I've been repeating top blocks or bottom blocks, mixing the two to make a new fit (eg yesterday)
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awburkey2mo ago
There's a v silly idea on social media/TikTok about not repeating outfits but that is mostly people that also post literal garbage like shein hauls so I don't think it's relevant. Ethan (The Teenage Gent) is really the only person I know that doesn't really like outfit repeating in a sense. But iiuc his definition of the "same" outfit is very strict. Like different socks or a different tie in an otherwise equivalent ensemble is a new outfit. But I'll let him speak more to it if he likes
zeometer2mo ago
otherwise, short of a few isolated circumstances i see no reason not to
awburkey2mo ago
Ethan M. Wong
a little bit of rest
On Outfit Repeating
Even with the same suit and tie, I don’t consider this a repeat. But maybe you think otherwise?
zeometer2mo ago
if you like the fit and it makes you feel good, why not repeat it?
gv2mo ago
for sure
ginsoul2mo ago
I did unique fits to work for like 2-3 years straight before covid bc I have too many clothes
carrion2mo ago
i have always put together fits specifically as sets because they increase specific stats
ginsoul2mo ago
Combining things is fun
zeometer2mo ago
admittedly i struggled with not repeating this last year in part because i was posting online, not wanting to not be boring and wanting to show off my shiny new cops. led to a cycle of buying stuff largely for external validation which isn't a healthy way to consume
Ninjury2mo ago
Yeah. I wonder how many folks (specially, here) are more motivated by irl interactions and the everyday experience of wearing clothes compared to by the experience of online participation in communities such as this.
nowhereface2mo ago
I’ve been repeating some of my favourites for like 7 years now If it‘s a good fit it‘s a good fit
carrion2mo ago
For a lot of mfad power users i don't think there's much of a distinction btwn the two
Scott (stupid)
Scott (stupid)2mo ago
I would be surprised if anyone cared enough about me to even notice repeated outfits, let alone care. If I like something I'll repeat it, and change it up if I feel stale there is not much to it
calla2mo ago
repeating and iterating on ur favorite outfits is a great way to get better at wearing what u have in ur own wardrobe
nowhereface2mo ago
These are 6 years apart
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anasthesia-2mo ago
When I find something good I’m gonna wear it as much as possible so as many people as possible see it
nowhereface2mo ago
I once read that personal style can only be developed through repetition and it has stuck with me tbh
Spuck2mo ago
Repeating outfits, maybe tweaking a little, is the best
eggtart!2mo ago
i luv outfit repeating but i think it's a way to get familiar with a piece really fast and it's variations i don't wear a piece just bc i haven't worn it (much) so it's also a good way for me to understand if i should consider selling a piece
Walmart the Conqueror
I have a limited amount of clothes and so a limited number of outfits
circleframes2mo ago
I don’t really conceptualize my clothes in terms of outfits but there’s definitely combinations that I fall back on especially for casual stuff
sioku2mo ago
i have said this before in a few other discords but heres' my thoughts - i have no problem with outfit repeats, but i seldom do it because there's so many coool combinations you can make with menswear - i like the encouragement to find different ways to wear what you own. I don't believe in buying a new item just to have a new outfit - a lot of my outfits are "first time wears" in that i've NEVER worn that specific combination before. Its wild, but true! - i see outfit repeats as the same SPECIFIC combination. I dont necessarily think a black knit tie and blue uni stripe ocbd is the same as a black wool tie and blue reverse stripe OCBD. - on that note, I definitely have a consistent VIBE or theme repeat but seldom the specific combo. I wear brown jackets and grey pants a lot. Ocbds with stripes. Berets with Dbs, etc. - That being said, I've been rewearing old outfits (either specifically or inspired by) but thats more of a self prompt rather than the typical way i've worn it. - But again, i dont see outfits as favorites lol there's always something new. to do. - Some people see outfits like practicing or evening singing their favorite song. You do it to get better at it and you repeat to give yourself the same feeling that you had when you did it the first time. - i see outfits as compositions. Composing something new yet consistent with your style is the name of the game here. Its funny when things appear the same, but consciously repeating yourself kinda gets away from the point of composing lol
awz50822mo ago
Lazy day/cozy outfits are always worth repeating though I tend to do it with small variations
Ninjury2mo ago
Possibly! I’ve seen comments from regular users here along the lines of “this looks great in person but not in for photos” or vice versa, so I’m not sure everyone tangles the two together necessarily. I can at least imagine someone putting on a specific outfit that communicates something in-group related to this forum (or other online forums), but that communicates something entirely different to the physical people (I.e. at a job, bar, outdoor walk, whatever). And I can further imagine both communications being intentional on the part of the wearer.
Holfram2mo ago
I wear cool stuff to feel good about myself wherever
I wear this once a week
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Yakkeks2mo ago
If I have a fit that is good it sometimes feels unneccessary to vary it for varieties sake so I just repeat.
Weeg2mo ago
I repeat outfits constantly i usually just only post if its one i havent tried before or havent taken a picture of before
raisinpie2mo ago
I have 2 closets jammed with clothes and I wear like the same 3 things every day lol I need to downsize, but it's hard to shake the ADHD pack rat mentality of "buuut what if future me needs this thing I haven't worn in 2 years uwu"
Garlic_Sucker2mo ago
wearing an outfit over and over helps it feel like like it’s mine. My dream is to have a few good outfits and wear em over and over
enterthelair2mo ago
outfit repeating is a flex for rich people. normal for most ppl
Ant2mo ago
I do fit variations more than literally piece-for-piece repeats, but in either case I'm less likely to share a fit that feels like one I've already publicly shared before, so scrolling through my public footprint probably leads people to think I never wear the same thing twice. I expect this is true of most people regularly sharing outfit/fashion content. Obvious point but as both a creator and viewer it's important to remember what you see often doesn't match with people's day-to-day behaviour, so isn't a standard you should hold yourself to
awburkey2mo ago
wym a flex for rich people?
nowhereface2mo ago
I think he means that famous people often get praised for rewearing clothes even though it‘s normal for regular people
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"miguel"2mo ago
I wear like the same outfits every week. do you guys mean not repeating... ever?
awburkey2mo ago
oh, idc really lol if you're not repeating outfits bc Cate Blanchett doesn't on the red carpet idk what to say
Soup2mo ago
I think that something I noticed about myself was that I felt like I had to come up with new combinations/outfits because of posting in waywt. But I've realised now that that is not a great mindset to get into. If I put together an outfit that I thought was cool and felt great wearing it. I should wear that again, I suppose one of the downsides of social media (not trying to turn this into a discussion of that though) Anyway longwinded way of saying repeating is cool and fine
brandon2mo ago
im in a dark rut of rotating the same 5 tech shirts i got for free and just slapping a hoodie and sweater on top, im still in the process of dressing more for myself and not for external validation but im lazy and also external validation feel good
Please Go Away
Please Go Away2mo ago
I may be an outfit repeater but you're a topic repeater https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1223300640974045185
sioku2mo ago
Damn this was 2 years ago I should repeat it lol
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sioku2mo ago
If only the jacket still fit me
Walmart the Conqueror
happens to the best of us
disc o'van
disc o'van2mo ago
i mainly outfit repeat in the summertime and whenever i go on a vacation because i tend to go to hot places. i have a small hot-weather wardrobe and i get lazy when it's hot
Steve2mo ago
Absolutely repeat. I literally don't think I own enough clothes not to do this? Even as my wardrobe trends towards flexible pieces the only way I could go even 6 months without a repeat is by combining things in comically ridiculous ways.
zeometer2mo ago
define comically ridiculous
Steve2mo ago
Sweatpants with dress shirt? Old Halloween costume + sports coat? Actually this might be kinda fun...
Gatan do rock
Gatan do rock3w ago
brother I have 2 shorts and 1 pants you bet I'm repeating the ass out of them but serious answer when I have something that matches in a way I really like I wear it the same way everytime I can

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