Created by Ninjury on 2/6/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Looking for black boots
Hey there, I’m looking for some black boots that work with wide leg pants and flowy shirts. My budget is about 600usd. I’m partial to suede but would benopejntonogher leathers too. I’m most torn on the sole. I want to be able to wear these outside. I live in the country so roads are pretty rocky, and I also want them to be able to weather some wet. But I also would like them to be comfortable inside on hard floor. In terms of aesthetic I’m open, I can see myself going very chunky to match the wide leg sillhouette, or very elegant for the contrast. I am partial to quality construction, by which I mean in this case welts/soles that can be replaced. But I’m open to more “fashion” oriented boots if I can be convinced that they are well-constructed. Please let me know if I can provide any more info to help narrow down options.
23 replies
Created by Ninjury on 1/19/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Looking for summer drapey suit
Hello friends! I’m looking for a suit specifically for summer weddings. Here are the criteria I’m looking for: - fabric: generous, drapey, flowy, textured - colour: somewhere from the spectrum of oatmeal to brown - pants: high waist, wide leg - jacket: generous lapels, low button point - ideally has short options, or at least the coat is cut in such a way that I can get 1-2 inches removed without it looking off - I’m undecided between single breasted and double. I’d like to go with double in my heart but feel like it may be too much. Top of the candidate list right now is Scott Fraser’s draped brown hatch wool (first photo on their website), though that fabric might be too warm for the summer. In also slightly concerned it’s a bit showy, but the weddings in question are people I’m very close to so I’m not that worried. Other brands I’ve looked at: Epaulet, Husbands Paris, Suit Supply. Lemaire and Evan Kinori both seem like great options but they are out of budget. Speaking of which: budget is flexible but let’s say around 1K usd to start. Since im also in the market for separate trousers fitting the above description I’m willing to spend more if I can kill two birds with one stone. Does anyone have more recommendations that fit the above description? Thanks!
12 replies
Created by Ninjury on 1/9/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Wide pants fit
I’ve been looking at this from Blurhms and I’m wondering if it makes sense to size up on them. I’ve never bought big pants before so not sure if over sizing is common. I’m looking for a floating silhouette that let the pants swish as I walk, but that doesn’t look “crumbled” because they are too long. If that makes no sense let me know and I’ll try to clarify!
59 replies
Created by Ninjury on 1/6/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Help Spotting an Ebay potential Fake
Hello, I’m not sure if this question is appropriate so apologies if not. I found a listing on eBay for some pants, but I’m a bit sketched out by the way the seller describes things, and the relative lack of sales (30). What do folks generally do to check if a listing is legit? Would anyone experienced with eBay be willing to take a look for me? Thanks!
9 replies
Created by Ninjury on 12/8/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Question for purchasers of womens’ cloathes
Hello folks, my partner has watched me pick up a lot of actionable tips and brand advice from this here forum, and we’re trying to find some good options for her. I would say her primary criterion when looking to buy is “quality” - in the sense of long lasting, natural materials, sustainably made, and designed for function over form. We’re looking mostly for pants and cardigans and are looking for options similar in value:price as something like Spier and Mackay. I have no idea how to label her style but I’d guess I’d lean toward “European minimalism” if that helps paint any pictures. Anyone have suggestions fitting the above description?
36 replies
Created by Ninjury on 12/6/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Western yoke ski jacket
Hey there, anyone know of any good technical ski jackets with a western yoke? Thinking about something like Rocky Mountain Featherbed but for skiing or other winter sports. Budget is 500-600$ USD
1 replies
Created by Ninjury on 11/28/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Finding shirts that work for multiple outfits
Hello there! Before I ask my question I’ll acknowledge that I should post pictures. I plead for your understanding, as I have a newborn in my arms… I therefore have plenty of time at 3:00am to blab on the internet while holding him, but no time to take out and photograph clothes right now. I will rectify this in the future [hopefully/imaginary?] world where I have more time! I’m looking for shirt colours that will work with the following combinations of sports coats and oants. Ideally they would work with all four combos but if there are great options that work for 2 or 3 I’m open to them. * Navy hopsack sports coat * Dark brown herringbone tweed sports coat + Ecru jeans + Olive fatigues I know from browsing this discord that blue works pretty damn well, and I have a chambray and a light blue ocbd. What other colours might you suggest exploring? Side bar, maybe I’ll make this another question later: how does one get a collared shirt to stay open? With the top or even top two buttons undone, the two pieces of the placket just seem to stay together instead of staying open. (Granted, this is straight out the packaging and before washing the shirt so maybe I just need to do that first? Thanks for your help!
8 replies
Created by Ninjury on 11/15/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Tailoring Brands for Short Men
Hello, I’m looking for brands that sell RTW suits and sports coats that are small enough for shorter men. In terms of quality, I’m looking for something along the level / tier as The Armoury or The Anthology. In particular I’m looking for a soft shoulder, lowish buttoning point, and medium to generous lapels. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
8 replies
Created by Ninjury on 11/9/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Largest reasonable drop for RTW and MTM tailoring?
Hello! I have a 40 inch chest and 30 inch waist, though often get closer to 41/29 depending on the season. I understand standard drop between chest and waist measurements is 6. Is it reasonable for me to find a good suit that’s either off the rack or made to measure with these proportions? Any particular brands known for a muscular build? (I’m also very short - 5’4 - with broad shoulders to add to the fun proportions) Thanks!
3 replies
Created by Ninjury on 10/3/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Camel Hair from Spier & Mackay
Anyone have experience with Spier & Mackay's pure camel hair fabric from the mill Leonard? I can’t find any reviews, images or even info about the mill that’s not on their website
1 replies
Created by Ninjury on 10/1/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Deciding on an Overcoat
I'm looking to get a Polo Coat or a Balmacaan, but am having difficulty deciding on which style would suit me best. In Fall and Winter I tend to wear chunky knits and chords or a tweed sports coat for something on the more fancy side. One factor to consider is that I'm short and quite muscular. I've heard advice that both long coats and doublebreasted coats aren't great for short men.... but I kinda don't really care. I want that dramatic swish and the fact that I'm short isn't gonna stop me! What other considerations should I think about when making this decision? Any particular recommendations? Budget is around 1K USD.
13 replies
Created by Ninjury on 7/5/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Shoe and Pants combo with Black Polo
For a work event, I’ll need to wear black polos. The nice shoes I have in my collection include black calf monkstraps, brown derbies (Armagnac shell cordovan) and a slightly lighter brown pair of service boots in calf. With these choices, what pants options might you recommend and with what shoes? I’m weary of mixing black and brown, but would prefer to wear the brown shoes if I can make it work! For pants options, I’m considering a mid blue jean, salmon linen chinos or grey or teal slacks, but I’m open to suggestions! Thanks 🙂
11 replies