Commander register api

talking about permissions, im working on the registering api for the Commander, and I wanted to ask for some general feedback: if it makes sense, if I might be missing something obvious, possible ideas for something to add, you name it.
interface Command {
name: string; // name of the command - used for finding command suggestions
description?: string; // OPTIONAL will shown when hovering over a command suggestion, and can also be seen listing the command by console
schema: string; // expression that constitutes the command - MUST start with command name, and have each Argument name separated by spaces, each starting with a $ (e.g. "sum $first $second")
args: Argument[]; // array of arguments present on the schema
roles: Roles[]; // array of any user roles that can execute this as defined in CONST.USER_ROLES (default ['GAMEMASTER'])
permissions: Permissions[]; // array of user permissions needed to execute this command as defined in CONST.USER_PERMISSIONS; requires ALL to execute (default [])
// ideally it should be any permissions needed by whatever the handler() and suggestions() functions are doing, but it can impose artificial restrictions too
anyPermission: boolean; // changes the permissions behavoir to be require ANY instead of ALL (default false)
handler: (...params: any) => any; // waht you actually wanted to
interface Argument {
name: string; //schema must have this name prefixed by a $, and this name will be used for the param sent to the handler function
type: ARGUMENT_TYPES; // defines what regex to use to get this argument from the command line input. string | number | boolean | raw
suggestions: () => Suggestion[]; // OPTIONAL should return an array of objects with a displayName - handler function should know how to handle these
interface Suggestion {
displayName: string;
NUMBER = 'number',
STRING = 'string',
BOOLEAN = 'boolean',
RAW = 'raw',
interface Command {
name: string; // name of the command - used for finding command suggestions
description?: string; // OPTIONAL will shown when hovering over a command suggestion, and can also be seen listing the command by console
schema: string; // expression that constitutes the command - MUST start with command name, and have each Argument name separated by spaces, each starting with a $ (e.g. "sum $first $second")
args: Argument[]; // array of arguments present on the schema
roles: Roles[]; // array of any user roles that can execute this as defined in CONST.USER_ROLES (default ['GAMEMASTER'])
permissions: Permissions[]; // array of user permissions needed to execute this command as defined in CONST.USER_PERMISSIONS; requires ALL to execute (default [])
// ideally it should be any permissions needed by whatever the handler() and suggestions() functions are doing, but it can impose artificial restrictions too
anyPermission: boolean; // changes the permissions behavoir to be require ANY instead of ALL (default false)
handler: (...params: any) => any; // waht you actually wanted to
interface Argument {
name: string; //schema must have this name prefixed by a $, and this name will be used for the param sent to the handler function
type: ARGUMENT_TYPES; // defines what regex to use to get this argument from the command line input. string | number | boolean | raw
suggestions: () => Suggestion[]; // OPTIONAL should return an array of objects with a displayName - handler function should know how to handle these
interface Suggestion {
displayName: string;
NUMBER = 'number',
STRING = 'string',
BOOLEAN = 'boolean',
RAW = 'raw',
9 Replies
ccjmk3y ago
So, if roles/permissions/anyPermission get merged into a single function, it would look something like this:
interface Command {
name: string;
description?: string;
schema: string;
args: Argument[];
canRunIt: () => boolean;
handler: (...params: any) => any;
(the rest)
interface Command {
name: string;
description?: string;
schema: string;
args: Argument[];
canRunIt: () => boolean;
handler: (...params: any) => any;
(the rest)
maybe I could send the same args to the canRunIt function like to handler, in case they want to allow/forbid depending on some command arg. Can't think of a use case, but if Im already parsing it for A, I can send it for B 🤷‍♂️
That's the most versatile option, but it's certainly a lot simpler for Commander to have user roles to compare or the like
Eh not sure if its easier or no. For me it's certainly easier to offload that, I just call the function, if it returns true, good, if not, don't show it, and voilá
Calego3y ago
True, I'm imagining a world where someone is going to want to do async permissions calls (which could be a pita)
ccjmk3y ago
on second thought about the params to the permissions func, if I want to send the args, I need to show them the function all the time, and forbit it after trying to run it. so I think its better to at least initially just be a () => boolean
Calego3y ago
Yeah that's unnecessary IMO. The handler can escape hatch out if it gets that far
ccjmk3y ago
yeah ofc.. this would all run inside a huge try-catch, and if anything smells funny I will just show a message and abort
Calego3y ago
Oh a callback would actually be simple for you... You could just filter using that cb as the return.
ccjmk3y ago
to filter command suggestions? yeah indeed
Calego3y ago
You will need to define when that check happens though, whether it's cached at load or when the user first opens the menu, etc. As long as you define it in the docs, whatever you pick will be powerful Changing lanes, the suggestion callback would benefit from having the current arguments, you could suggest different things based on the current input
ccjmk3y ago
I'll probably do it at module start, just before calling the commanderReady hook, comparing against the known list of commands, and then refresh it on any additional registration. oh that's good I thought of it like "this is supposed to be a Player Character, go and fetch all PCs", but you could even use one arg to puppet the others with some hocus pocus