TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by mchisolm0 on 6/7/2024 in #questions
Mobx-state-tree action is undefined when passed to onPress
Link to full code of current branch With mobx-state-tree, can you not use actions as functions for onPress? Error on ExpoGo: Uncaught Error player.removeLifePoints is not a function (it is undefined)
const RemoveLifePointsButton = (player: Player) => {
return (
style={{ marginVertical: }}
onPress={() => player.removeLifePoints(1)}
LeftAccessory={(props) => <Icon style={} icon="caretLeft" />}
style={{ marginVertical: }}
onPress={() => player.removeLifePoints(5)}
LeftAccessory={(props) => <Icon style={} icon="caretLeft" />}
const RemoveLifePointsButton = (player: Player) => {
return (
style={{ marginVertical: }}
onPress={() => player.removeLifePoints(1)}
LeftAccessory={(props) => <Icon style={} icon="caretLeft" />}
style={{ marginVertical: }}
onPress={() => player.removeLifePoints(5)}
LeftAccessory={(props) => <Icon style={} icon="caretLeft" />}
Here is the Player model I have prototyped.
export const PlayerModel = types
playerID: types.identifierNumber,
playerName: "Player",
lifePoints: types.number,
color: types.enumeration(["red", "green", "pink", "blue"]),
playerIcon: types.enumeration(["assets/icons/bell.png", "assets/icons/lock.png"]),
.actions((player) => ({
addLifePoints(amount: number) {
player.lifePoints += amount;
removeLifePoints(amount: number) {
player.lifePoints -= amount;
.views((player) => ({
get playerInfo() {
const defaultValue = { name: player.playerName, id: player.playerID };

return defaultValue;
export const PlayerModel = types
playerID: types.identifierNumber,
playerName: "Player",
lifePoints: types.number,
color: types.enumeration(["red", "green", "pink", "blue"]),
playerIcon: types.enumeration(["assets/icons/bell.png", "assets/icons/lock.png"]),
.actions((player) => ({
addLifePoints(amount: number) {
player.lifePoints += amount;
removeLifePoints(amount: number) {
player.lifePoints -= amount;
.views((player) => ({
get playerInfo() {
const defaultValue = { name: player.playerName, id: player.playerID };

return defaultValue;
As I dig into it more, I think it might be I am misunderstanding how to use the setter actions like with .actions(withSetPropAction), but reading the docs on it, I still am struggling to understand.
3 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by mchisolm0 on 5/2/2024 in #questions
Global error when clicking on photo in Gallery Tutorial
Following the new create-t3-app tutorial for a gallery app and locally everything seems to be working (click on image, get modal. Refresh page, get only image). In production, when I click the image, I get the global error page 500. Is that because of this change I made to get the <TopNav /> to render with and without being signed in?
<TopNav />
<div id="modal-root"></div>
<SignedOut />
<TopNav />
<div id="modal-root"></div>
<SignedOut />
Here is the repo if you need more context or you can let me know what I need to clarify.
5 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by mchisolm0 on 4/27/2024 in #questions
Modals failing from tutorial I am having trouble getting the modals/app router working how I expect. When I click on pictures sometimes it loads, sometimes it gives "Unauthorized" errors, and sometimes it complains getImages(idAsNumber) is not a function. I have created a pull request on my repo in case that is helpful for context. I am getting off of hear to get some rest and hoping fresh eyes tomorrow may help me solve it. Thank you in advance if anyone has suggestions or wisdom.
1 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by mchisolm0 on 4/26/2024 in #questions
TypeErrorinitialTree is not iterable in Modern React Tutorial vid
The images map correctly until I try clicking on one, so I think the error may be misleading me. I believe I have the modal set up to show the id at the bottom of the screen as shown in the tutorial, however, when I click the image I get the global error page. Sentry captures the above "initialTree is not iterable" which seems to mean I'm trying to map something that can't be mapped. file: app/page.tsx
return (
<main className="">
<div className="flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-4">
{ => (
<div key={} className="flex h-48 w-48 flex-col">
<Link href={`/img/${}`}>
style={{ objectFit: "contain" }}
return (
<main className="">
<div className="flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-4">
{ => (
<div key={} className="flex h-48 w-48 flex-col">
<Link href={`/img/${}`}>
style={{ objectFit: "contain" }}
file: server/queries.ts
export async function getMyImages() {
const user = auth();

if (!user.userId) throw new Error("Unauthorized");

const images = await db.query.images.findMany({
where: (model, { eq }) => eq(model.userId, user.userId),
orderBy: (model, { desc }) => desc(,

return images;
export async function getMyImages() {
const user = auth();

if (!user.userId) throw new Error("Unauthorized");

const images = await db.query.images.findMany({
where: (model, { eq }) => eq(model.userId, user.userId),
orderBy: (model, { desc }) => desc(,

return images;
6 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by mchisolm0 on 4/23/2024 in #questions
New T3 gallery app only gives global error
After adding Sentry and trying out the default page, I now can't seem to get the rest of the app working again. I did delete the example error page, but I updated the global error file like Theo showed in the tutorial. It seems like while the compaint is about auth, it actually is that global-error.tsx is in the main app/ directory. When I move it, the page.tsx page loads as intended. Here is the current error: ⨯ src/server/queries.ts (8:27) @ getMyImages ⨯ Error: Unauthorized at getMyImages (./src/server/queries.ts:14:29) at HomePage (./src/app/page.tsx:29:86) at (node:async_hooks:346:14) at (node:async_hooks:346:14) at Object.apply (./src/app/page.tsx:105:10) at stringify (<anonymous>) digest: "4257623417" Code snippet:
6 | const user = auth();
7 |
> 8 | if (!user.userId) throw new Error("Unauthorized");
| ^
9 |
10 | const images = await db.query.images.findMany({
11 | where: (model, { eq }) => eq(model.userId, user.userId),
6 | const user = auth();
7 |
> 8 | if (!user.userId) throw new Error("Unauthorized");
| ^
9 |
10 | const images = await db.query.images.findMany({
11 | where: (model, { eq }) => eq(model.userId, user.userId),
Is it needing me to do something about rendering the children in the layout.tsx file?
<body className={`font-sans ${inter.variable} flex flex-col gap-4`}>
<TopNav />
<body className={`font-sans ${inter.variable} flex flex-col gap-4`}>
<TopNav />
1 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by mchisolm0 on 4/18/2024 in #questions
Clerk middleware complaining on new T3 gallery tutorial
Following After getting the .env variables in my local environment and on Vercel, I was able to get Auth to start, let me sign into GitHub, authorize the app, and then fail with the following error when trying to return to the gallery.
Error: Clerk: Unable to verify request, this usually means the Clerk middleware did not run. Ensure Clerk's middleware is properly integrated and matches the current route. For more information, see: (code=auth_signature_invalid)
Error: Clerk: Unable to verify request, this usually means the Clerk middleware did not run. Ensure Clerk's middleware is properly integrated and matches the current route. For more information, see: (code=auth_signature_invalid)
I tried with Google, too. Each time, I have to clear my cache/cookies. Next: 14.2.2
8 replies