migration error
i create new migration to add cascadeondelete() but when i try to run migrations i have this error
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1091 Can't DROP 'purchases_company_id_foreign'; check that column/key exists (Connection: mysql, SQL: alter table
purchases drop foreign key
35 replies
make repeater validation
I have Repeater where i can add many blogs. this blogs has amount. this blogs amount sum should not be more then
sum amount
. I want to make validation if first brand amount is 500 and second brand amount i wrote 300 and sum amount
=== 600 second brand amount should have erorr that max value is 100. there is my code:
55 replies
error with relationship
why i have this error. ( i really have no idea dd )
code: problem is with relationship
34 replies
save repeater data in pivot table
I have purchases table where will be many brands with amount and im using repeater for form. so for that i decide to make pivot table to save brand id and brand amount in another pivote table. i cant find same example or solution.. how its be good to do?
12 replies