Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time πŸ™‚.







General question about profiles on Github

Is it common for people to have a personal Github and one that they use to show employers? I’m just starting out with it and I’m not that familiar with it. I just learned that you should use a GitHub account to help you with professional opportunities. Which is why it’s said to be a good thing to use your real name and your picture. However, I see quite a bit of GitHub accounts with profile pictures that aren’t actual people and anonymous usernames...

Squarespace site ?

I know this will probably not be a successful ask but just wondering if anyone has a squarespace site they could give me access to a private page so I can get familiar with the the tools; I’m starting on a new project which will include creating a form with conditional logic on a squarespace site so id just like to spend an hour getting my feet underneath me if possible. I know it’s a lot to ask but thought perhaps someone has a site or a draft they don’t care much about and would be willing to take the risk. ✨...

Extension to display colours for oklch and oklab functions?

Is there an extension to display sample colours for functions like oklab and oklch in VSC? Quick googling doesn't show any results. For rgb and hex we get some examples of the colours as the screenshots attched below, but not for the rest, whihc's a tad annoying. If there is no such extensions, I could probably write one up as a fun project....

Error while add large File to Git with Git LFS

keep getting this git error even after track "*.exe" to git lfs can someone pls help...
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vim | extra files

Hey, when i edit a file, even when i write to it (:w), it gives me these extra files, what causes this and can i get rid of them optionally? Thanks in advance....
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Wsl distro Installation issue:

I was able to run wsl --install and go through the installation process. That went pretty smooth. After installing I restarted my computer. And this is where I'm stuck. I have ran wsl --install -d in windows powershell. What I get back in "the requested operation requires elevation" guessing I need to run it as admin. But when I do, I get this message: No actions was taken as a system reboot is required. I had restarted my computer 2 more times afterwards and it's still the same. I'm lost now. I...

npm installing problem

its been while since i code i tried to create new project and this error pop up i updated my node and npm tp latest version...
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What operating system should I be using? How should I set up the root directory?

Where do web developers store their projects? I'm coming from using a Chromebook to do programming which was simple and straight forwards (I know cringe). Now that I move over to windows and the environment is a little different. I'm trying to figure out where web developers store their projects? What do u guys use as an operating system? I just learned that windows and Linux are to different operating systems....

ai extension

Hello anyone know good free ai extension like php storm for vs code for php ? i mean like php storm it complete half of the code when u wright it...

Editing Windows 11 tray widget icons

Any one know where in settings I can remove the airplane icon (on desktop ffs) and other stuff from this? I swear you could customize them now I can't find it.
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VS Code TAB triggers problems

VS Code must have made an update that automatically took effect. I'm getting odd auto-completes for 2 situations in an HTML file 1. using p for paragraph followed by TAB gives me: ```js...

help in WinError5: Access Denied [file_path]

i am trying to contribute to an org for gsoc prep. i chose plone’s volto. i followed their installation guide for installing and running their website on my machine but it stopped after i ran pipx run cookieplone project i have tried changjng permissions from unticking read only checkbox...

vs code extension

What extension do I need for VSCode to stop marking this as an unknown class/undefined type?
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Best way to use env files for Mac and Windows?

I am using typescript gen to create the types for me using contentful from package json. Now I understand that Unix based systems can have access to it but I don't want to leak keys. What's the best way to do this?...

turn off backlight in JIS layout in mac

Hi guys, I am new in mac so basically I want to turn off the backlight using keyboard and its hard to find guide in internet, I am using JIS layout keyboard and I cant see in the keyboard for the icon to turn off... I know how to turn off using manually in the settings. anyone know how? thanks!

How to use Webpack as a way to compile Sass -> Css?

This is probably a stupid question, but I have been trying this for the past 2 hours and can't figure it out. I just need a way to compile my regular .scss files (in every directory) into 1 .css file. I'm aware I can just use sass --watch, but I'd like to have some other features webpack leverages (like minifying, and again I know sass ootb can do this). We use Laravel Mix, which is just a library on top of Webpack that can do this using mix.sass('entry.scss', 'output.scss'), but I can't get it to work on default Webpack. The reason why I want to go from Mix -> Webpack is because I need to watch all files in my project and output it as 1 css file and Mix can't do this...

Is it possible to add images in DecapCMS through markdown?

I’d like to know if it’s possible to add images using markdown in DecapCMS. In platforms like Obsidian, I can simply drag a file into the text editor, and it appears right away. I can also adjust the image size and position using markdown. Can I do something similar with DecapCMS? I know how to upload an image using the upload button on the CMS, but I’m not sure how to edit it once it's uploaded. If editing images in this way isn’t possible, what would be the best method to add and manipulate images in DecapCMS? Any help would be appreciated. What I tried I copied and pasted the text and links from a markdown file in Obsidian, so I tried using a link converter to change the wiki links in my file to markdown links, but it didn’t work. I built this website from a code-along project that Kevin Powell did building a blog website , so I'm not very familiar with the technologies used to create it, such as Eleventy, Nunjucks, and Node.js. While the DecapCMS integration with the site is working, the only way I can add images is through the upload button in the DecapCMS, and the images appear large with no control over their width and height. In Obsidian, I could resize images using syntax like ![[image|400]]. Is there a way to implement a similar feature here?...

UTM Tracking on Google Search

Hi everyone, hope you're doing fine. I'm trying to find a way to track with UTM when a visitor of my website comes from a search engine. For example, if I open and search '' and click the first link, I'd like to track that with a UTM with values "utm_source=google&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=googlesearch" or something like that. I've been reading a lot the last few days regarding this and didn't find anything confirming if this is even possible, I thought about it and logically speaking I found it challenging to do with code. My questions are: Is this possible to do? In case it is, anyone knows how? ...

How do I install npm & composer on cPanel?

Having trouble finding a clear tutorial on how to do this, and whether this should be installed globally as the root or per cPanel user. Running Linux and I have access to the Yum package manager, so should I just install per-user using yum?