How can I fix that?
No keeper taking the animal in the box and the keeper in the left just standing with an animal with him I fired him but he's still here
Please help, noob questions
Some of these questions are probably going to be very basic but I have used Google and not finding consistency.
1. How many keeper per habitat?
2. How many Mechanics per habitat
3. How many vets per animal?...
Feeding on high places
Hi im making habitat for red panda in my Asia-Oceania Zoo on Sandbox and have a question. Can i turn on unlimited food for animals somehow? I mean - I would like to put some food bowls on climbing strutures but keepers cant reach to them. Thanks
If you were to design the planet zoo 2 what would you add/change.
Lets say youre the main person in charge of developing the planet zoo, your funds for investing into developers/etc dont matter and you can basically add whatever you wish.
The starting point is the base game of planet zoo 1 with no dlcs, so would you add any of the content from dlcs into the main game or would you add some new animals that were never seen before as the selling point.
What new mechanics would you introduce?...
Restaurant in sandbox
My restaurants arnt working in sandbox mode i dont now how to fix it i have enabled hunger and thirst but its not working
Choose Franchise Mod in Main Menu, Nothing happens
I've submitted a ticket but perhaps someone here might be able to troubleshoot. Franchise was working before, I had started a zoo, only really set up a few things so when this issue started I deleted the saves of it my "My Zoos" so now I don't have any Franchise Zoos.
I have a video of both my ovldata folder and installed mods as well as the issue.
I also have quite a bit of stuff from steam workshop. I've verified my file integrity and checked my gpu drivers....
Souvenir shop bug?
So I have placed a shop, placed on the merch but the vendor won’t go in and i can’t open it. I’ve tried re placing. Re designing. Repositioning the path and still the vendor just stands outside. I saw there was a bug with this from over a year ago. Is there a way around this?
How do you name your animals?
To make it clear I already know how to change the animals names in game - I was just wondering how other players choose names for their animals or manage to keep track on their animals with names.
Big Cats’ models look funny to me
It’s a quite popular opinion I believe, but the models of big cats in game make me feel frontier just doing them DIRTY
it’s a love hate relationship since I understand it would be very hard to animate such fluffy animals with lots of hair and details, and they kindaaa look similar but something about them irks me in the wrong way
but idk maybe I’m delirious and blind bye...
Animals are missing
I play only franchise, no mods or anything. I take breaks on and off playing this game and just recently bought every DLC besides 1-2 of them. I had some zoos at the loading screen and decided to start fresh so I closed all the zoos and said my animals would go back to my trade center like they usually do. To my dismay, over half my animals went missing in action. Over 70k in CC credits gone. I had white bengal tigers, white plains zebras, white giraffes, white ostriches, white/albino patterns...
Turning a barrier into a habitat?
Sorry, I'm brand new to the game, I've build this shape with the barriers but I can't seem to turn it into a habitat to put animals into.
nvm i didnt have a gate attatched
Guests are Stuck?
I have a meerkat and aardvark walkable habitat that my guests keep getting stuck in. I pick them up and set them down outside of the cluster and they still say stuck. The habitat has an entrance gate and an exit gate.
Any french people here ?
A friend wants to join a planet zoo’s server but there are only english servers, she’s really bad in English so I wonder if there’s any french people here
Stuck on making a character
I need help i made a new account bcus my old one i gave it to a friend and i have played and installed planet zoo there.. but in my new acc when i try to play planet zoo again and i want to make a new character this shows up and i cant seem to scroll or press what is needed to make a new charavter, i dont remember getting this when i first played.. can someone pls help