Lurkr Support


Lurkr Support

The official support server for the Lurkr bot. View more at


can't import levels from atlas

I tried importing levels from atlas but it keeps saying that there's no leveling data and I gave it admin perms and everything.

“Failed to save”

I’ve made some changes to the levelling and Autorole perms and when I’ve gone to save it, it says fail to save and won’t save my changes. I’ve tried this on a phone and an iPad and it’s still not worked what do I do?
Try using the new beta dashboard,
CFCaptain Foxhast5/2/2024

Can't add more level roles even though I've not reached the limit

As the free threshold of the level roles is 30 (in the normal dashboard) or 50 (in the beta dashboard) [correct me if I'm wrong], I've added 15 level roles but when I add another one, the dashboard fails to register it and doesn't give me an error either.
@Captain Foxhast should be fixed now
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level reward roles changing

When some people got level 30 in our server, a few seconds later the level 30 role was removed and they went back to the level 20 role despite being level 30.
I imagine if you run /syncrolerewards or if the user has leveled up since they would have received the correct roles

Role multipliers stuck at 2 roles

hey there, I'm trying to add a third role to have a special multiplier but it won't let me add more, not on the new nor the old dashboard any suggestions?...
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Beta Cannot Save Multiplier Changes

1. Login to and enter server dashboard 2. Go to Multipliers page 3. Change Global Multiplier 4. Press Save Settings 5. Page redirects to 404 page "Server does not exist or you do not have access to it"...
the button to create a new multiplier should be disabled & have a tooltip telling you that the multiplier limit has been reached

Save Settings button placement

I think it would be better if the Save Settings button was back in the left column always visible no matter how much you scroll. Sometimes you just test some settings and with this now you have to go back up to top each time to save. Also there is no more feedback that current settings are the ones last saved. I think before it would gray out the button but now the button is always green, so it may happen that one would forget to save or dont know the last time settings were saved....
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Wonky XP problems

there have been some users in my sevrer, with no special roles or perms who are unable to gain xp in any way. while others in the same position role and perm wise have no issue gaining xp through chatting. This has been an issue on my account and xp gaining, and i didnt bother about it. but now it is becoming a problem that random community members are now unable to gain xp. i have reset and redone all of the bot settings to no avail, i dont know what other steps to take, but something isnt working....
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Premium Transfer

Hello there! Maybe i haven't looked carefully enough, but when the premium is activated on a server, is it possible to deactivate it and move it to another? thank you for answer in advance and forgive the disturb!...
Yes, just use /activatepremium on the different server and it automatically transfers

Leveling setting priority issue

Basically what I wanted to do was to have every level be announced from level 25 onwards. Up to level 25 I wanted it to be announced every 5 levels so 5 10 15 20 25 What I did was set Minimum Leveling Announcement Threshold to 25 and Specific Announcement Levels to those mentioned above thinking that setting takes priority over the one in the sentece just above....
All of those options are checked

The first bug of the new dashboard

After adding a bot to the server, clicking on the desired server opens the window for adding a bot
Try clearing your cache and cookies, it might take a moment to register the new server

giving xp to multiple users at once?

is there a way to give xp to multiple people at once manually.
Unfortunately not right now, it is on our todo list
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TBThe BlackCat4/14/2024

/rank issues[SOLVED]

My users can't use /rank
They're slash commands not text commands. They need to type / and then select the rank command from the menu. Otherwise you didn't give your members the Discord permission to use slash commands
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DODonny Ohmygod4/14/2024

Rank card background

I can't load the background image. The bot writes that the file size should not exceed 5 MB, although the image meets this requirement.
@Donny Ohmygod should be working now
TBThe BlackCat4/12/2024

Dashboard is broken.[SOLVED]

Dashboard doesn't work with chromium. Broken so that I cannot save settings. I had to use /config set to set the current settings I have. I did follow the steps in #🆘-help-me and cleared the cash and re-logged Discord....
this bug WAS with chromium because it was specific to your site. since updating to the Dev version fixed it.
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is there a way to see more than 100 people on leaderboard

want to see top 300 people for example

roles not given on xp add

Great bot so far 😄 i transferred roles/xp from MEE6 just fine, but im trying xp add to boost someone and the issue im facing is that when someone gets lets say level 50 with xp add, they arent assigned a role? I have to manually run sync roles. is that normal?...
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AApathy 🌸4/10/2024

Roles disappearing on the dashboard.

Hi. I went to go and edit my level roles today on the dashboard and I noticed that some of my roles on the dashboard have disappeared. It shows this way on the dashboard. The link to it is:
Implemented a fix. This should no longer happen. Sorry for the troubles
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Members not gaining experience

Hello @CmdData and @Almeida , I'm trying to get you to upload from my server members, they didn't even upload, something is missing
you have to update your leveling channels to include the ones you want members to be able to gain xp in
Sstyix ✪4/7/2024

How to enable member count data storage

How do I enable this?
/config toggle option:Member Join/Leave Tracking
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