[SOLVED] Why am I not gaining any subscribers.

I post on average 1-2 videos every 1-2 weeks and i have been getting on average 2-300 views on each video but im not getting any subscribers, what do i do to fix this problem.
6 Replies
probablyraging•2y ago
Are these "quality" views? Meaning are they of high retention, are they returning viewers or are they usually unique? For a view to count as a view, the person only needs to watch your video for a minimum of 30 seconds, but if you're videos are 5+ minutes in length and people are clicking off after at around 40 seconds it could mean they're not actually interested in the content. This would be a sign of poor quality views. You would want to obviously improve on this somehow. If they are quality views, there are some thing you can do to convert them to subs, most often this is via CTAs (call to actions), like little segments during your video where you ask/remind people to subscribe, a little on-screen animation, pinned comment, or even line in your video description. Also making sure your content is something those viewers will want to see again and not a one hit wonder type of thing. Something like a mini series would be a good example of something that might keep viewers returning
Vibez_042•2y ago
i would do the whole reminding people to subscribe thing but i always feel like that would show as if im greedy for subs
probablyraging•2y ago
Nah not at all mate. Not sure about you, but I've been binge watching channels and forgot to subscribe, until I seen or heard a CTA and am like "yeah fuck it, I'm enjoying it, may as well". Never once though "omg this person is so greedy" 😄 if you get what I'm saying You can make it as least intrusive as you want as well
Vibez_042•2y ago
ok well thank you for the help i appreciate it
Captain Ruggels
Captain Ruggels•2y ago
Personally, I do 1 long form content DAILY right now and I do 2-3 Shorts per Day with it to help with exposure. I do a variety of things every week to reinvent myself to respond to my audience based on the Analytics and Views I get in. I go with what is popular with my audience and roll with it. I am a Gaming Channel too. I record all my content during weekend with video editing and schedule it for the entire week in advance so I dont have to worry about it when I am at work or hanging with my family during the week and part of the weekend. I post less on Saturday & Sunday because viewing traffic is down alot those days unless it is very early in the morning or late at night. Hope this helps Currently sitting at almost 30k views 500+ watch hours & 81 subscribers and I only started a month ago. Follow your audience is my advice
Dr. Curvy
Dr. Curvy•2y ago
Not to sound shady but looking at ur channel there's nothing to binge watch or look forward too. The videos are random, try sticking to at least one niche when starting out so people subscribing wont get confused
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