[SOLVED] YouTube Help

Hi Guys. I have uploaded 43 genuine videos on my channel but I am not getting views over 50 on almost most of my videos. How do I get more views?
4 Replies
Good titles, thumbnails, descriptions, and other SEO Make relevant and good quality content that people want to watch Captivating content that will keep the viewers interest throughout the video Promote your content in place relative to your content (forums, reddit, discords, etc..) Cross promote on social media (facebook, twitter, tiktok, etc..) Collaborate with other creators in your niche Take a look at <#1005305774471381002> and <#851707143873626134> for some more suggestions Use the search feature in the forum as this question has been asked and answered already, plenty of times
Goku2y ago
Can you check my channel and give me some advice please. FaithGene Gaming
I just gave you a lot of suggestions to get you started, looking at your channel isn't going to change the suggestions I just gave you. Chances are I'm not familiar with your niche/content, so it's up to you to take the suggestions I just game you, do your own research, and put that research into practice
Goku2y ago
Thanks man