Recommendations for 2 person recording setup

My son and I record gaming videos together, same room. We've been using one USB mic each on different computers so that we have two tracks and can level them out. What we've been running into is not being able to get them perfectly in sync so there's no echo on one channel or the other. I'm thinking maybe we look into a mixer with two mics, out to the recording computer, but I've got no idea where to start. We don't have a huge budget. I've seen some mixers in the $70 dollar range but don't know what's good. So we need: - 2 mic inputs - Output to PC - Level adjustment on the mixer Or if somebody has a better plan, I'd love to hear that as well. Thanks!
3 Replies
DukDolan2y ago
usually you can sync the audio in post production using software. What I do is clap loudly into both mics near the start of the recording, then using adobe premiere I can sync the tracks with one of the options, I’m sure there are free softwares that can do this also. Does this help?
AdmiralDave2y ago
We do the clap thing and then line them up in blender when we edit the video. I think what's happening is the two different machines run like a fraction of a second faster/ slower so we can get close but often drift. Does the sync you're talking about take care of that?
DukDolan2y ago
it is more accurate than doing it manually though it tends to fail with really long audio clips I will do some research later and see if theres a free program for it