video flickering and stuttering

I took a video of Christmas decorations the led lights on one of the houses are flickering in the video but not in real life and the video frames are stuttering please help Sorry for the quality the original file is a 4k 24p at 250mb in size
10 Replies
AtumRall2y ago
LEDs are not constant, the pulse, so I think what is happening is they are out of sync with your cameras shutter speed. Human eyes mistake them as constant, but they are blinking.
LED & Lighting Info
Why Do LED Lights Flicker On Video? - LED & Lighting Info
Take a look at the marvels of everyday technological inventions around you. Your phone houses a dozen tools we would carry just a couple of decades ago, like cameras and calculators. Sometimes, two tools created independently of each other can run into funny behavior when interacting. These unexpected effects can also lead to more understanding
But my bedroom has led smart lights that never flicker even at crazy shutter speeds of 1/2000 no problem
Not all led lights are the same and run on different frequency
And why are my frames stuttering It looks like a lot of pictures played very fast
Not sure I see what you're referring to in the video above
Also my camera has manual controls so what shutter speed should I use here in America where it's 60hz electricity It's 24p I'm used to the look of 60p is that normal for 24p Or is my sd card not able to keep up with my camera Also could you help with another question I have
I'm not techy with cameras, so someone else can correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure you want to pick a shutter speed that suits the object you're shooting. The issue is LEDs can range from 5hz to 60hz and probably more, so you're going to struggle picking a shutter speed to film a different varieties of LED lights. I'm also not sure what you mean by 24p and 60p? Do you mean FPS as in frames per second? 60hz is likely just a standard for your country but doesn't necessarily mean each light uses 60hz at all times, but again, not really something I'm too familiar with. All I know is I have smart bulbs in my house that state on the package that they run at 40-60hz Also dimmable LEDs can use any value between those values, so like 56hz for example and you're never really going to know what hz they're running at unless you're the person in control of setting those lights up
AtumRall2y ago
It's the same with recording CRT TV's or the propeller of a plane, sometimes it syncs up by chance, but more often not. That article @ProbablyRaging posted is perfect, and has some of the camera lingo, for sure worth the read.
DukDolan2y ago
I didn't notice any frame stuttering, I agree with what the others said, its just the camera catching the led flickering