Mic Sound / Quality Improvement Assistance

I have been recording one way for a long time, and have never been a fan of the way I sound, because I feel like I don't sound like the other youtubers out there. They all sound super clean and crisp, whereas mine always sounds breathy and metallic because i've been so close to the mic. I tried to fix this by moving my mic further away, approx 12 in" away as the mic specifies it should, but personally i feel like it sounds even worse... Not only now do you hear my fan when i'm talking as well as other background noise when i'm not, but to me it sounds like im even further away!! I am at a loss on how to make my mic sound better, because I've tried everything i can think of and find online. Setup: Mic: Blue Yeti connected into a USB hub set to Cardiod pattern, although changing it to directly connected to the computer does not change anything. Mic routed through Voicemeeter for sound and effect modulation Audio Recorded on Both OBS AND Audacity sound the same
78 Replies
4DCβ€’14mo ago
Here are some suggestions for improving your mic sound/quality: 1. Change the mic pattern: Experiment with different microphone patterns to see if you can find one that suits your voice better. The Blue Yeti has four different patterns to choose from, so try out each one and see which one sounds best. 2. Use a pop filter: A pop filter can help reduce the breathy and metallic sound you mentioned. It can also help reduce plosives (the popping sound you hear when you say words like "pop" or "plosive"). 3. Adjust your mic gain: Instead of moving your mic further away, try adjusting the gain on your microphone. This will allow you to get a better balance between your voice and any background noise. 4. Use noise reduction software: There are many noise reduction software options available that can help remove background noise from your recordings. Audacity has a built-in noise reduction tool, or you can try something like iZotope RX. 5. Consider using a different mic: If you've tried everything and still aren't happy with the sound, it might be time to invest in a new microphone. There are many options available at different price points, so do some research and find one that suits your needs. Remember that everyone's voice is unique, and it's okay if you don't sound like other YouTubers. Focus on finding a sound that you're happy with, and that represents you and your content well.
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
Thank you bot.. For reference, I have tried other mic patterns but this one is the best. I do also use a pop filter. I have tried to manipulate teh gain to improve it, but it leads to me getting cut off when i speak quieter. Also, I do not want to purchase a new mic, because i had a blue snowball previously and it sounded exactly the same as this one does.
MeTaβ€’14mo ago
There is a website called Adobe podcast (Idk the exact name) in which you just give your audio file and it will give you a better quality audio https://podcast.adobe.com/ I am not sure if it's free or not but you can try by yourself to see if it's free or not Hope this helps
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
I will be checking it out now. Thanks!!!
MeTaβ€’14mo ago
https://tenor.com/view/no-problemo-bart-simpson-gif-24774874 It's free, I just checked it out, you just need a Adobe account and you can use it for free
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
It looks like you can only upload files that are less than an hour, and only 3 per day. Is it the same if you have an account? I didnt need an account to access the mic check or the enhancement. Plus... the ai made me sound super funny lmao. Sounds like a cartoon version of me lmfao!!!
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Reaper with the right filtering and EQ man, I'm telling you, will make your mic sound 10x better https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/comments/5idg75/guide_using_reaper_to_clean_up_noise_from_your/
r/Twitch - [Guide] Using Reaper to clean up noise from your microphone
45 votes and 27 comments so far on Reddit
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
I would recommend watching a video or looking for some guides on how to EQ your mic for your own voice. Way better then a premade EQ. I use the GlissEQ plugin for reaper
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
Im loving this so far, i just cant seem to get the "metallicy" sound out of my mic
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Hmm not too sure what you mean by that. Does it sound like you're talking into a tin can or something? I feel like that would be something EQing would help with, I can send you my EQ setting and you can sort of build off that if you like?
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
yeah 4 sure. I couldnt figure out how to get Gliss to actually get imported cuz i installed it but couldnt find the actual file to import as a new preset. Plus, hearing myself talk while trying to talk makes me stutter so bad lol
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Let me boot up, give me 5
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
The .VST3 file is the GlissEQ plugin that I use. You just drop it into C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 - if that doesn't work go to Reaper > Options > Preferences > Plug-ins and it will show you where to put it Once done, go to Reaper > FX Panel > Add > GlissEQ (Voxengo) The .CSV file is the preset that I use for GlissEQ. To load it, just open to menu for GlissEQ menu in the FX panel > Load CSV Let me know if any of that didn't work sense lol
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
And if it helps at all, these are the other plugins/settings I use 1 ReaFir - get your room to normal operating sound > use subtrack mode > and check the "automatically build..." checkbox > leave that running for like 1-2 seconds and uncheck it. That will cancel out a lot of background nouse 2 ReaGate - it's just a noise gate, nothing special there, basically just set the slider on the right to what works best for you mic and voice
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probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Also, I find it easier to record a 10 second clip of me talking before and after a change rather than listening to it live
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
This is before and after turning on that preset, but idfk where to start with changing it lmao. I tried to record my screen to show u the waveform while talking but files too large
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
I got the ReaFir and Gate done and also added compression and a limiter as well because i can get a titche loud lmao
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Obviously not the most exciting changes, but they'll help a lot. I do hear that tinny sound you're talking about. You'll definitely be able to knock that down quite a bit, if not completely with gliss
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
Alright. I will mess with it more tomorrow 4 sure. Also, afterI record, it starts playing whats behind it and just keeps playing until i stop it manually. U know why?
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
This will help a lot for figuring out which frequencies do what for your vocals. I would say 4kHz and probably 17k+Hz is where you're going to be able to bring down that tinny sound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq1di2luMcs
Colt Capperrune
IN DEPTH MIX TUTORIALS, Music Business advice, Live Q&A, Awesome Merch Join my Patreon here! http://patreon.com/coltcapperrune Instagram http://instagram.com/coltcapperrune My Photography http://instagram.com/coltcapperrunephotos Website http://coltcapperrune.com My Tech YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4dbttuF5CffVX3vf0p6iuw ...
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Not sure what you mean the last part though. Are you playing your mic through a different output or something?
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
No, not my mic playing, like i hit record, record something then hit the stop keybind and it starts automatically seeking / playing the track from where i stopped... Like the line keeps moving after the track has stopped recording
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Ah not to sure about that one ay, I've never actually used Reaper to record tracks or anything like that. Purely for live EQ and filtering lol sorry
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
ah ok. What did you record with then? Audacity? Or raw into OBS/Slobs?
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Nah so I have reaper setup to output live using a program VB Virtual Cable, it creates a virtual mic source. So if I was recording with OBS I would use the virtual cable which is live from reaper with all the EQ and shit Same deal with Discord and stuff
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
shit.. all my virtual cables are taken with diverting audio in voicemeeter lmao
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
How are your routing them? Because you can basically just feed your raw mic into reaper, and the output the filtered version as a virtual cable and use that instead of whatever you were doing previously?
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
Yeah so thats what i was thinking already. i would have to change some shit up, but i might make it work
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
I'd say you can make it work, if you're not actually adding a physical device anyway Plus you can just create a new virtual output anyway, not sure about VoiceMeeter, but VB Cable can
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
So you still have reaper running in the background, you just dont need to add any tracks or handles or anything? Just set up the eq and then go back to the recording software?
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Hard to explain, you will need to setup an output source from Reaper to use as your new mic with the filters It goes like this Raw mic > Reaper > EQ & Filter > VB Cable Output (as new mic source with filters and EQ) > OBS, Discord or whatever other program And yes, you'll need Reaper to be open for this new mic source to work
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
ok. Definitely going to be testing and manipulating tomorrow when im not dog ass tired lmao. I will make it work, and if not, ill come back haha but truly appreciate the assist mate
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Haven't watched it, but should help for that part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuUwVjSSQVs Nah no worries bud kk
How I Set Up Reaper with VoiceMeeter and OBS using Virtual Cables
WATCH THE LATEST TUTORIAL HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mr_kko3oq8 For Streamers, Gamers and Worship Leaders who want to mix their audio before broadcasting it to the world! Written guide here: https://melinyasarah.wordpress.com/2020/11/22/how-to-set-up-reaper-with-voice-meeter-and-obs/ Additional Links: VoiceMeeter: https://vb-audio...
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
Fuck yeah. ill look at it 4 sure
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
So i messed with the eq, and found something i like, but i cannot for the life of me find the eq setting to remove that damn metallic sound!! lmao Here is a sample of an intro i recorded for testing
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
That sounds way better though. Can I see your curve while you're talking into the mic?
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
This is me mid saying the word "talking "
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M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
here is the color shit, if that matters
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probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Hmm I would say bring the point around 4k down a little, and maybe the cut off anything after 10k, so should look something like this
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probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
I'd also say you have 20-200 way too high. All that black space at the start is non-existent
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
This is what a regular male vocal curve would look like
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probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
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M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
Ok so after dicking with it, this is what i got. what do you think needs to be changed now? lmao im stuck here haha
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Try this preset and show me a recording
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
And then try this which is a bit more drastic
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
Here is both of them one after another
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Yeah the 2nd one for sure. Cuts out a lot, if not all of the boxy sounding vocals
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
yeah definitly digging it for sure. There still is that echoey sound but its miles beyond what i started with.
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
I might be missing that cause I'm only listening to it on speakers. Try disabling your other filters and only test with the EQ on, see if it still happens Just listened on headphones, I honestly don't hear any echo? I actually really like it when listening to the very first recording you sent. This sounds class
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
it could just be me listening with a fine tooth comb and lasering in on it too. So the setup u made last and the first recording are miles apart? honestly i think i might be getting sound blind to it now lmao
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Could be mate. Take a break for a few and come back with new ears, see if it sounds any different
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
Will do 4 sure.
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
I wouldn't say miles apart but I can hear a clear difference, yeah. The second one has the core vocals at 100-200Hz boosted a bit more, for more of a tick bassy voice, I dropped the 300-600Hz a little more to reduce more of the boxy sound, and brought the hi-cut off in a little to reduce the "ssss" hissing from pronouncing S. I pretty much brought everything over 2kHz down a bit because your mic seems to pick up the highs a lot more
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
yeah i am lost when it comes to eq, and you seem to be much more intune with it so i appreciate the help 4 sure. I might just stick with it since ive been cranking on this shit for so long and it sounds much better than it originally did haha
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
I'm by no means an expert, I just remember spending literally an entire week trying to figure this shit out when I first got my condenser mic lol but yeah really, the sound of vocals is hard because everyone is different, everyone hears things differently, and a lot of it comes down to personal preference. I personally think that last EQ sounds miles better than what you first posted, but someone else might prefer one of the previous ones, you know? It sounds good to my ears though πŸ˜„ You're obviously welcome to tweak it, I would just 100% leave the hi and low passes on
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
hey if it sounds good on both the speakers and the headphones, im gunna classify that as a win lmao
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
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M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
TBh, i couldnt even make them look like that if i tried... so its not getting fucked with haha
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Haha just right click one of the filter points
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M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
I think ive spent more time messing with this than i did learning every editing technique i know now haha
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Was the same for me dude Now just wait until you accidentally lose your favourite preset and have to do it all again πŸ˜„
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
........so if I click on save FX chain, does that save them all that I have set up as they are now?
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
That part I don't know. I just save each FX preset individually. If it does let me know cause that sounds way easier
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
I mean.. i think thats what it does. Would make sense right?
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
It sounds right. Only one way to find out πŸ˜„
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
Yeah so i just loaded the one i had saved and it loaded them all
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Fuck yeah, that is easy as
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
So now, im saving the fx chain to like 6 different places hahahaha
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
Print out the file on paper and put it in a bank vault
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
no shit! but i would have no clue what i was reading at that point
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
Alright, So I recorded last night with the new setup. I like it, but i feel like my voice is a bit punchy on the ears. Check out this short and tell me what u think about my audio vs the other guys and the game. Could just be me and the volume i listen to the editing software at, but i wanna make sure.
probablyragingβ€’14mo ago
I think it sounds good mate. There is definitely a difference in clarity and volume between you two. Your levels sound good, he just sounds quiet
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’14mo ago
alright cool. Must be the volume or my headphones are punchy then
OXIDOIDβ€’14mo ago
to save you time try maybe using Nvidia broadcast, i have been using it for a good while and it sounds the same as adobe
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’8mo ago
@keechy2 This might help.
keechy2β€’8mo ago
Thanks for that mate, but I'm not looking for anything fancy , just something to take out background noise so people don't hear my fan in the background when I'm playing with them.
M4j0r Fr33z3
M4j0r Fr33z3β€’8mo ago
Depending on the mic, the gain might help that when you are not talking, but ya might still hear it when you are.