Why are my videos gaining no views

My videos have been gaining no views I don't upload shorts yet I live stream and upload long form
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17 Replies
probablyraging10mo ago
They all look to have views to me
Piitchless10mo ago
Well yea I didn't mean it like that they just aint really getting recommend They don't even have 100 impressions
probablyraging10mo ago
You're playing a game that is overly saturated with content, in an overly saturated niche. Having YouTube recommend your videos over the 100's that are posted every hour is going to be near impossible as a smaller channel. That is just the cold facts unfortunately.
Piitchless10mo ago
Oh okay 👌 so do u think I should switch the game up?
demo10mo ago
play the game if that's what you enjoy, you just need to learn to market your content better make whatever you like and put effort into your videos and you will grow it doesn't happen over night though
Piitchless10mo ago
Okay 👌 Oh yeah ik that it takes a lot of time
demo10mo ago
i would recommend taking highlights of your videos and reuploading them to other platforms
Piitchless10mo ago
I think i got to hyped over a video gettin 1.6k and I thought the rest of them would do even better Like that Oh it's sendinf
Piitchless10mo ago
demo10mo ago
tiktok is a big fan of horror games, jumpscares, shock humor with a game like fnaf you could definitely get some mileage from that
Piitchless10mo ago
Or that one
Piitchless10mo ago
Piitchless10mo ago
Okay thanks broski
demo10mo ago
no problem keep up the grind and you'll get where you want to be
Piitchless10mo ago
Thank you 🙏 I appreciate it Oh and Should I make a seperate channel to do the shorts?
demo10mo ago
you can but if you are already a small channel just upload them to your main that way your audience is in one place and not split over various channels
Piitchless10mo ago
Oh okay 👌 Thank you so much