Railway11mo ago

How to set mailgun to Ghost(docker) + Sqlite

I had used Ghost with mysql, but currently I try to use a new Ghost template with Sqlite. I did not found some sufficient doc for this template to set up it with mailgun and CLOUDINARY.
8 Replies
Percy11mo ago
Project ID: 1d061aaf-a6f1-415a-b95a-978a044e31d5
BruceX11mo ago
1d061aaf-a6f1-415a-b95a-978a044e31d5 I did some steps like Ghost with Mysql. When I tried to send email, I got Error :
[2023-09-07 02:00:22] ERROR "POST /members/api/send-magic-link/" 500 440ms

Failed to send email. Reason: Sending failed.

"Please see https://ghost.org/docs/config/#mail for instructions on configuring email."

Error ID:



Error: Sending failed

at createMailError
[2023-09-07 02:00:22] ERROR "POST /members/api/send-magic-link/" 500 440ms

Failed to send email. Reason: Sending failed.

"Please see https://ghost.org/docs/config/#mail for instructions on configuring email."

Error ID:



Error: Sending failed

at createMailError
This is the template: https://railway.app/template/9VGb60
Brody11mo ago
what email provider are you trying to use
BruceX11mo ago
thans for your reply. I solved this problem.
BruceX11mo ago
Catch The Block
✉️ How to Setup Mailgun in Ghost (self hosted, docker-compose)
This short blog post aims at helping those who are struggling (like me ) to setup properly Ghost and emails (using Mailgun).
Brody11mo ago
glad you where able to solve it!
BruceX11mo ago
Btw, I need to mention something for new users who will come to this template: smtp.eu.mailgun.org is for EU, , however, smtp.us.mailgun.org is not for the US. smtp.mailgun.org is for the US.
Brody11mo ago
thats very good information, thanks!