Railway11mo ago

Files on mounted volume not available after redeploy

I did a fresh deploy of @Brody 's Payload CMS template (https://github.com/brody192/payload-cms-template), but when redeployed, the media files uploaded are not available.
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7 Replies
Percy11mo ago
Project ID: 5e42a962-c3b7-4238-926e-ffa87df21892
Corfitz11mo ago
Corfitz11mo ago
AH!!! It doesn't even add to the volume..
No description
No description
Corfitz11mo ago
This is my solution:
import path from "path";
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production";

export default function volumePath(directory: string) {
const prodPath = process.env.VOLUME_PATH || `/home/node/app/uploads`;
return dev
? path.resolve(__dirname, `../../uploads/${directory}`)
: path.resolve(prodPath, directory);
import path from "path";
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production";

export default function volumePath(directory: string) {
const prodPath = process.env.VOLUME_PATH || `/home/node/app/uploads`;
return dev
? path.resolve(__dirname, `../../uploads/${directory}`)
: path.resolve(prodPath, directory);
And in the Media config file:
import volumePath from "../utilities/volumePath";

const Media: CollectionConfig = {
slug: "media",
access: {
// Payload's access control functions apply to files also, meaning you can permit or deny file downloads easily
read: () => true,
create: () => true,
update: () => true,
delete: () => true,
admin: {
useAsTitle: "filename",
description: "upload media",
group: "Content",
upload: {
adminThumbnail: "thumbnail",
imageSizes: [
name: "thumbnail",
width: 150,
name: "normal",
width: 820,
name: "wide",
width: 1400,
name: "fullscreen",
width: 1920,
staticDir: volumePath("media"),
fields: [
name: "alt",
label: "Alt Text",
type: "text",
required: true,

export default Media;
import volumePath from "../utilities/volumePath";

const Media: CollectionConfig = {
slug: "media",
access: {
// Payload's access control functions apply to files also, meaning you can permit or deny file downloads easily
read: () => true,
create: () => true,
update: () => true,
delete: () => true,
admin: {
useAsTitle: "filename",
description: "upload media",
group: "Content",
upload: {
adminThumbnail: "thumbnail",
imageSizes: [
name: "thumbnail",
width: 150,
name: "normal",
width: 820,
name: "wide",
width: 1400,
name: "fullscreen",
width: 1920,
staticDir: volumePath("media"),
fields: [
name: "alt",
label: "Alt Text",
type: "text",
required: true,

export default Media;
Brody11mo ago
sara!khan7mo ago
hi sir can i ask one thing what that value you put to 'VOLUME_PATH' ? is it just path in our localpath or ubuntupath sir ?