How do I get more views on a clips channel?

I post clips on a specific minecraft server, and I’m worried if I post anything else I’ll lose my audience. My channel is kymy99 if you want to look it up.
4 Replies
Chiwazii2y ago
Are you thinking of branching outside of minecraft or something? What do you have in mind to post differently?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
Ive only posted one thing so i cannot provide the best advice but i suggest branching out; its the best way to findout what people like that you also like doing
ArchaeoPlays2y ago
How are you marketing your clips just now? Where do you advertise them and how often? Diversifying might help, especially because Minecraft is a rather competitive market, but outside of the algorithm doing its thing, your own marketing is going to be the main thing you can possibly change outside of diversifying.
rachey2y ago
if you want to branch out you definitely should tbh! you can find more people tht way as well and you can still post ur main game clips every now and then just to keep ur original audience as well. :)