"Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_y' register IFCNT"

Everything is in the title... Someone have a solution about ?
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8 Replies
IFCNT I believe is an internal error to the driver. Make sure the driver is properly seated, but if that doesn't help I would try replacing the driver
genetic-orange15mo ago
i've tryed to switch drivers from positions but nothing happen. X and Z stepper are OK if i change connection between X and Y, X doesn't work and y work i've no idea
have you replaced the Y stepper driver with a new stepper driver?
genetic-orange15mo ago
doesn't work
can you elaborate? Doesn't work how?
genetic-orange15mo ago
i've switch X driver (working) with Y driver Same issue. After that i've tryed to switch with Z driver, same result I've changed position of stepper to tchek if it's not down but Y stepper work when i connect it on X position i think i've big problem with SKRat v1.0. Nothing work on it. Absolute positions of my axes are wrong, endstopper doesn't work. I've probably a problem with the board Issue fixed ...
what was the issue?
genetic-orange15mo ago
one missing strap on the board all of them was already on, except this one