Instagram Following Count no Longer Updating

So I’ve been growing my follower count by following a lot of freinds of freinds and then when my ratio gets to bad I unfollow a bunch. My problem is that the number of people I’m following will no longer decrease when I unfollow people. Which happened to me on a previous account as well. Is there anything I can do about this?
5 Replies
probablyraging14mo ago
Attention Always
How Many People Can You Unfollow On Instagram In 2023?
Instagram users are limited to a maximum of 200 unfollows every day, however, this can vary from 100-200 depending on several factors. Read more to find out!
Kanye14mo ago
I’ve waited 2-3 days multiple times and I’m still limited I can’t unfollow people
probablyraging14mo ago
I had the same thing happen to me when my account was followed by about 1000 bots, took me a week just to be able to unfollow them all and by the end I was rate limited for about 4-5 days, kept getting a message saying something like "you can't do the right now..." but it eventually came good
Kanye14mo ago
I don't even have a message for some reason just can't unfollow which makes me think it's a glitch
probablyraging14mo ago
This was a while ago now, things might have changed since then. But yeah, if it is just a weird glitch then I'm really not sure how to help other then suggesting you clear the app data/cache, uninstall and reinstall?