League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers


League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers

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Suppose someone wanted to make a module which created a stylistic defect enhancement that never went away, even if the module was uninstalled. Give me your ideas for how one might accomplish this. Some context... I'm considering a successor to the best module of all time: Confetti:...

Alternative Alignment System D&D5e

Wow, that is a really powerful way to codify alignment. I like it! Do you have any ideas as to how it could be implemented? I'll make a thread if anyone wants to pitch in but I could probably make this module, just need ideas for how people would want it displayed.
LTLLeo The League Lion2/14/2022


Package: hero-creation-tool


Dammit I want this...

react library

So far I've seen Vue 2, Vue 3, Alpine, and Svelte pulled into Foundry. No one has yet been crazy enough to try react. So in the name of science... Yolo? As someone who works in react land, I think it is dramatically overkill for 99% of foundry use cases. Using react for small forms or dialogs would pull in way too much overhead. I would consider react if I was making something complicated and multi-step like a character creator where state management matters a lot more....

web components

A comment @n1xx1 made over in #development-basics (https://discord.com/channels/732325252788387980/754127569246355477/883296860092117032) got me thinking about something -- would there be any value to a shared set of UI components built on the Web Components (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components) spec? With or without something like lit. Kind of like our own little design system to take care of tasks like accordions, pagination, etc.