League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers


League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers

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git filter troubleshooting

I'm troubleshooting a new setup that my code contributors can benefit from. I'm using a .gitconfig file inside of the repository's root, not the .git/config file, and then I've used the command to make it part of the local git config. I don't know whether the relative path to my smudge and clean scripts begins with "../scripts/" or "./scripts/"

Issue Submission Tool

I'm looking for suggestions for free ticket submission without signing into GitHub that go beyond Bug Reporter. Email and webforms are both useful, but email is a priority

Cypress Fun

Yeah, unfortunately it ain't that simple 😅 Cypress, like you say, automatically retries things, and it already has a default timeout of 4s. The reason I have a bunch of cy.wait() (which isn't an ideal solution) is to wait for Foundry render animations to finish. When an element is rendered, Cypress will detect it and proceed with the test, but if it isn't fully visible, then that can lead to some weird behavior. That's why changing the timeout of cy.get() doesn't really do anything, as Cy...

Item Macro Compendium Workflow

Okay, here's a long one that's a bit of a doozy. I'm looking at setting up some sort of tooling/workflow that would allow me to store macros outside of Foundry in a way that I don't have to copy paste them over. This is further complicated by the fact that I really want to use the Item Macro module to attach these macros to specific items that then get interpreted for active effects. I've been inspired by the work of the 5e system for compendia and ghost's efforts for their own system to think t...

CI 2 minute window

Alright, I've got a Gitlab CI pipeline I'm reasonably pleased with as a result of yesterday's efforts. There's 1 glaring problem with it though. The pipeline is triggered by pushing or creating a new tag....

GitLab CI Pipelines

Today's project is Gitlab CI. Wow me with your pipelines if you got em....

Storybook Shennanegins

@wyrmisis I have a headcannon for you, one who also uses Storybook. What if we could load foundry's stylesheets and js into a storybook env?...

Hot Reloading

Is there a way to do something like hot module reloading/live reloading on change for Foundry?

Gitpod Workflow

Has anyone figured out a codespaces workflow?
DTDaniel Thorp8/15/2021


I'm trying to use @varriount's AutoPublish, but I keep getting this error. Any ideas?https://github.com/arcanistzed/scs/runs/3333813697?check_suite_focus=true

symlinking foundry.js and vscode

Is this something you were able to do with vscode? I'm trying right now with both WSL2 symlinks and bog standard windows links but not getting any results...
DTDaniel Thorp8/14/2021

Releases to Changelog

I just automatically made a Changelog by going to https://github.com/arcanistzed/scs/releases and running this: ```js let results = []; document.querySelectorAll(".release-main-section").forEach(release => { let header = release.querySelector(".release-header");...