League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers


League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers

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advancementOrigin flag

@arbron I spotted a flag advancementOrigin on items granted by advancements but don't see it used anywhere atm. Is there a use-case you have in mind for this flag? I'm interested in organizing features on a character sheet under the class/subclass that granted them atm and I have a feeling this will let me do that, but don't really want to rely on that if it's unstable....

sheet modules in 2.1.x

starting my run for my sheet modules now, will holler with what info I find

Rolling Hooks

Rolling Hooks! I am working on a couple of additions to one of the upcoming version of 5e to add hooks to all of the system's rolling functions with the intention of allowing modules to fully customize these systems without having to wrap any methods. I welcome an eye on this from any module developers who work on modules that modify or respond to rolling behavior in 5e. Here are the three PRs with the changes: https://github.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/pull/1670 https://github.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/pull/1662 https://github.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/pull/1671...

2.0.0 exploration

From Atropos in the mothership (in v10 Feedback)
Hello folks, for those of you testing V10 using the dnd5e system, we have a pre-release of dnd5e version 2.0.0, tagged version 2.0.0-alpha1 which adds V10 compatibility, cleaned file organization structure, a single built distributable JS file, and more. We'll be adding more features into 2.0.0 as we work towards V10 stable that integrate with new version 10 features. To test this dnd5e release you can install manually with the manifest URL: https://github.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/releases/download/release-2.0.0-alpha1/system.json. ...

early v10 compat testing

@dnd5e - No action required Work is being done on fixing the core system compatibility with v10 in this branch: https://github.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/tree/v10-dev ...

1.6.1 testing

@dnd5e Testing Action Requested but not required. version 1.6.1 is a bugfix version, it's pretty close to complete at the moment and release is likely soon™. If you're the sort who likes being on the bleeding edge and testing that fixes are fixed, now's the time. Milestone: https://gitlab.com/foundrynet/dnd5e/-/milestones/49#tab-issues...

conversion macro

@max.pat did you have a macro or script which could change the old classFeatures data into advancements on their items?

AC calc changes

I do not believe the data for AC actually changed, only the way it is calculated. evidence: no changes were made to the template.json related to AC Related MR: https://gitlab.com/foundrynet/dnd5e/-/merge_requests/481...

1.6.0 Custom Sheet Changes

Looking at the changes made which are breaking for custom sheets. Gonna make a thread for this.

1.6.0 testing

Community Testing Requests: For those of you interested in helping to QA this branch, I'll put together a list of stuff I think we're most concerned about in a thread....

1.6.0 - 82%

@dnd5e - No action Required The 1.6.0 milestone is at 82% completion https://gitlab.com/foundrynet/dnd5e/-/milestones/35#tab-issues ...

advancement consumption

now that I brought that up on #progress-reports @calego , could I maybe pester you later for some advice regarding how to consume advancements? I think I would not be relying on the nifty hooks you have been working on cause unless I go completely overboard with the refactoring, I would be just using the advancements for reference on what to show on the Hero Creation ui

consumables chat data

So that's odd. How come consumables work different and all other item types get a non-functional save button when they no longer exist on the actor?
This is interesting and worth being in the history here. ...

1.6.x mid-milestone update

@dnd5e - No Action Required Milestone 1.6.0 is 69% Complete (nice) https://gitlab.com/foundrynet/dnd5e/-/milestones/35#tab-issues...


For those of you interested in such things, I have hacked together a way to inject hooks into the middle of larger 5e class methods and thus I'm starting to look in earnest at pre hooks for the Item workflow. The biggest baddest of these is obviously Item5e#roll. I can think of a a few places a hook might be a useful checkpoint in this frankly massive method but would like some input. ...

damage application hooks

New 5e Hook ideas, gimme yer thoughts: Hooks.call('Actor5e.preDamageApplied') args: damageAmount, actor, damageType (if available) ...

effect mechanic searching

I need someone to check me on a null hypothesis I'm making.
There are no abilities in 5e RAW which affect both the caster and a target in a different way (excluding damage).
An example of the kind of mechanic I'm looking for:...

Advancement Hooks

@kandashi @ccjmk and anyone else who is currently working on modules that would interact with the Advancement process for a character (i.e. levelup) I've created an issue to discuss some hooks that might be useful to implement as we work on the advancement UI and I would like your input: https://gitlab.com/foundrynet/dnd5e/-/issues/1361...